Pulse Nightclub shooter’s first wife speaks out (Pt. 1) – Crime Watch Daily

Pulse Nightclub shooter’s first wife speaks out (Pt. 1) – Crime Watch Daily

At 19, Sitora Yusufiy met Pulse Nightclub shooter Omar Mateen online, who she later married — but soon after, he revealed a sinister side of uncontrollable rage. She is now speaking out about the man she once called her husband.

Full story: http://crimewatchdaily.com/2016/09/21/pulse-nightclub-shooters-first-wife-speaks-out/


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48 thoughts on “Pulse Nightclub shooter’s first wife speaks out (Pt. 1) – Crime Watch Daily

  1. I feel like it was a set up because this kind of things happened..orlando shooting, California the Boston bombing if u see all of them the media like to portray Muslims as a bad guys. By the way isis kills more Muslims than any one else. If u see all those those states all.the shotters are dead. Why? Is my question? Because they can't testify

  2. My ex girlfriend asked me if I wanted to go that night bc my 18th birthday had been June 10th, I told her no and neither one of us went. Thank God and Rest In Peace to everyone who lost their lives.

  3. The fact that he was gay does not mean he could not be simultaneously interested in Jihad. There are plenty of homosexuals who are devout Islamists. The wifey is apparently happy to paper it over.

  4. This is disgusting ,to take down 49 lives just to gain your father's approval that gay should be punished in the name of religion. I don't care what religions says gay should be punished . Did God say that ? No! This came out from the mouth of a disgusting stone age hypocrite creature living as a human beings among us.

  5. It's disgusting to take 49 lives down just to gain your father's approval that gay will be punished in the name of religion. Did God say he will punish homosexual from his own mouth ? No! This came from the mouth of a disgusting hypocritical creature living as a human being among us.

  6. Kim Goldman has maintain her beauty after all the years have past.I first and last saw her during the trial of O.J.Simpson..( where her brother Ron Goldman and the wife of OJ.was murdered together at the same time) am glad to see her again…working with Crime Watch Daily..

  7. Part of the problem is homophobia and religion here. If he had just been accepting of himself and she knew more about homosexuality, this might not have happened. His father said god is against homosexuality. So…….. you can claim it isn't about religion, but it is!

  8. God i remember how tore up I was when this happened , it pretty much destroyed me. I still get emotional when I hear about this and I haven’t looked into it again since it happened . It just doesn’t make sense

  9. What dad calls his son gay "a few times" in front of his wife? This sounds like extreme emotional abuse. He was being emotionally bullied, while miserably living the life his father expected. If you parent is constantly telling you how much they hate you (indirectly) and showing you what little respect they have for you in front of your wife and only God knows who else, how can you not become angry and bitter? That's bullying, you can dislike something about someone without looking for ways to embarrass and humiliate them repeatedly. Long story short he was being bullied and he snapped.

  10. Guys, young men, if you feel you may be gay you do NOT need your family's approval! If they hate gay people, get away from them. You don not have to be friends with your family!

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