Racial Profiling By Cop Cost This City $75,000 – Everything Law and Order Blog

Welcome to Audit The Audit, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing.

This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.

This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.

Original video: https://bit.ly/2kVNhCS

Iowa CCI’s channel: https://bit.ly/2kVXRK9



49 thoughts on “Racial Profiling By Cop Cost This City $75,000”
  1. Everything this cop said came straight from their playbook. It’s all scripted and sounds so generic. I mean they wasn’t doing anything to warrant this cops fake suspicions about a gun, about acting suspicious or acting to like they had wed. And the cop didn’t see any shake on the ground and he knows it. But all he had to say when fact checked about it is say well I thought I saw shake. That statement is just an excuse to search the vehicle. Police are allowed to lie, exaggerate or mislead during their so called investigation. Never trust cops they are not really your friend. They are not there to serve and protect for real.

  2. It's incomprehensible that this isn't a clip from Reno 911. How on earth, how on fucking earth – do we as a country continuously fail our citizens like this. Most major countries in the world have police departments based on the principle of protecting the police. Not us, not god damn us. When someone is abused, you don't get upset with them for not walking delicately enough on the eggshells; no, you have a brain and recognize the other party shouldn't be abusing them in the first place. When we deal with our police, I would love to be able to wholeheartedly trust and know that they have my best interest in mind. It would be incredible to know that if you're doing nothing wrong, the situation will be resolved peacefully and to the best possible solution. Yet, we have found ourself in a country where we have to delicately navigate around every encounter with police in order to avoid them throwing on extra tickets to sooth their own ego, and if you're a minority, then you have to hold your breath whether or not you were speeding or just profiled so that you aren't killed over some white man's power trip.

  3. What's terrifying is the fact that this young man was so hopeful that his respectful demeanor and cooprative behavior would testify to the validity of his UTTERMOST sincere claims, and the officer knew that full well.

    What a sociopath. Just watching him ignore the very obvious despair and righteous indignation of innocence– not misunderstood, but DELIBERATELY VILLANIZED– just to immediately move on to the next stage of his incrimination, makes my blood boil like lava.

    Why is it that so many individuals in this world take pleasure in obliterating someone else's evening, self esteem, and respect of establishment & authority?

  4. Say I'm on my wife's YouTube but it is situations like this that makes my blood boil I mean this is the perfect example of what I have been saying for the last 10 years and that is a simple fact that cops have nothing better to do than this right here harass people give them a ticket so they have to pay money for nothing for just leaving a normal life you are given a ticket and having to pay it in court not counting the taxes you pay every day for for just leaving a normal life you are given a ticket and having to pay it in court not counting the taxes you pay for just leaving a normal life you are given a ticket and having to pay it in court not counting the taxes you pay every for just leaving a normal life you are given a ticket and having to pay it in court not counting the taxes you pay the government for these men to have their jobs and furthermore makes it even more of an example that a lot of these stopped and searched and hold you because you're guilty until found innocent bull crap needs to come to a halt we need a lot of changes in our laws and it all starts with the simple stops and seizures of people just trying to live a life and cops like these should not be wearing a badge

  5. This video reminds me to be careful with the cops, just refuse any claims made by the officers when they are making accusations against you and do not explain anything and potentially incriminate yourself.

    Note to self, DO NOT TRUST THE COPS. Do not admit guilt at all.

  6. The penalty should have been MUCH HIGHER. This incident could have ended in the death of someone. The guy wasn’t even fired for his crime. This behavior continued unabated in Des Moines, Iowa. I know one place to avoid at all costs.

  7. Handcuffs on, mouth shut. Put in a patrol car, attorney demanded. Do not talk to the police, invoke your rights to remain silent and not answer any questions, and invoke your right to have an attorney, not a lawyer, present during any and all questioning. THEN KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!

  8. Cop – "I can see shake on the ground.". If there is shake on the ground, it must have come from the officer that was standing on the ground outside of the car. He didn't say that he saw shake on the floor of the car. The floor is inside, the ground is outside.

  9. The victims cool head saved his life. I was literally terrified for him as I watched. How many other victims weren't able to hold it together as well as this young man and were harmed by this cop because of it? Pure evil!

  10. My People we have been Victims of Racial Profiling by the race police 100 of Yrs. It should be standard practice to Teach ourselves and Children their RIGHTS, and practices of LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY to Jail us at All costs, THIS OFFICER HAD HUNDRED OF VICTIMS, YOU WOULD THINK THEY WOULD INVESTIGATE ALL HIS ARREST,BUT THE MEDIA WILL DO ONE STORY THEN STOP, ITS UP TO WE THE BLACK PEOPLE!!!!

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