Was a serial rapist let go with just a slap on the wrist? That’s what one of his alleged victims is claiming in an all-new interview with Elizabeth Smart.
Full story: http://crimewatchdaily.com/2016/09/16/rape-survivor-speaks-on-tanning-salon-owners-criminal-charges/
Everytime I see Elizabeth Smart, I’m just like, cheering in my mind. She’s amazing to have the career she’s created, and all the while it forces her to face her traumatic past and work through it, through each story she covers on True Crime Daily. Her trauma is what it unfortunately is, but she uses it as strength and experience for guiding others through their trauma. And really, her interviews are some of the best on True Crime Daily. Telling the woman, and holding her hand, “you’re shaking, it’s ok, nobody can hurt you,” she’s just such a powerful angel
I’m mad he was running across the street like the joker tho 💀
I would be terrified to be on the wrong side of Elizabeth. She is my hero.
When i wake up i am standing. Seems suspicious to me
He really almost ran into that car
Omg….you are an idiot to take that drink and then to go with him.
Poor woman. She’s so strong, just like Ms Smart (I think she’s married though I haven’t looked it up haha). So happy for these women. Positive vibes for both of them. 💖💖💖
Elizabeth needs her own true crime show. She's an amazing and caring interviewer.
Never take a drink from ANYONE. Never go leave your drink and come back to it. It might be drugged. It doesn't matter if you are a woman or a man. Stay safe ❤
Elizabeth Smart, superstar. Her trauma lends her credibility no reporter could ever have, which is what these folks need to release their own trauma. She's brilliant.
She asked “where are we” at the door of the tanning salon that she’d already been in?
i love elizabeths hair golden blonde
But she's ugly, though. Why?
Lock him up for life!!
load of BS. this fugly chick got drunk, got played, felt guilty and now wants attention. end of story. the tanning salon casanova probably banged a lot of his customers in that same spot.. it might make him a douchebag but doesn't make him a rapist.
Liz smart is so classy👏👏😚
he thinks his money will keep him safe in prison! it won't, his tiny asshole will be 3 inches wide and he won't ever walk right again😵💩 …or eat solid food😵🐒🐒🐒 somebody will use him as a sex toy he will truly know desperation💩🐒
it's great story and great to see Elizabeth you are both a hero to a 54 male👏👏
Please stop uploading these videos in parts. Just upload them as one video.
Maybe he did , wooooooo go hanson , HOME BAKED