Report: Family Court Judge Made Improper and False Allegations – FIS 72 – Everything Law and Order Blog

An update in the Family Court Judge Search Saga. We recently obtained a report from the West Virginia Office of Disciplinary Counsel which found that a West Virginia Family Court Judge made improper and false allegations about the judicial disciplinary prosecutors who have been prosecuting a fellow Family Court Judge, Louise Goldston.

The ODC investigation commenced after a sitting Family Court Judge, Judge Glen R. Stotler, of the 23rd Family Court Circuit (Hampshire, Mineral and Morgan Counties), also a member of the Judicial Hearing Board that heard the Goldston case, sent a March 25, 2021 letter (on his official court letterhead) to the Chief Justice of the WV Supreme Court, making numerous allegations against the judicial prosecutors in regards to their handling of the Goldston case, and ultimately requesting an investigation into their actions, as well as their termination, “or at the least a serious reprimand.”

Now, questions are raised, not only about the Family Court Judge who is the subject of the report, but others who are now involved in the debunked allegations against the prosecutors. It really is outrageous, and people deserve to know. Did it ever seem like a good idea to get involved in a disciplinary prosecution of a fellow judge and attempt to have the prosecutors fired? What are the potential remedies? Judicial disciplinary complaints? Impeachment proceedings?

Up on the website today, we posted the full ODC investigation report, which details the entire ordeal up to that point, including a discussion of some of the sworn statements taken of the judges involved. It also gives a rare behind-the-scenes look at the judicial disciplinary prosecution procedures, which are usually confidential:

Report: Family Court Judge Made Improper and False Allegations

Media report:


42 thoughts on “Report: Family Court Judge Made Improper and False Allegations – FIS 72”
  1. DNA should exonerate my son I just found all the alleged names used by someone with his names up to and including an Adrian Barrios it’s all fraud !! From my ex father’s home !!! I have to do the investigation unbelievable

  2. How do you call the thin blue line equivalent between judges? I'm wondering if they're all hiding a kids-for-cash sized scandal but with MANY judges involved together hoping they're not falling in a line like dominos after this one judge flips or something??.

    …hopefully unlike Trump, they're almost sure to go to get massive consequences against them!!

  3. This should make anyone that's backing or supporting this makes them inreavent and should be disbarred because if anyone we the people should be able to trust it should be a judgment of judges to protect and defend the constitution of the United States 🇺🇸

  4. Why am I surprised that a group of judges (lawyers) sign onto a petition filled with lies.
    Isn't that what corrupt judges do?
    Just like the Thin Blue Line Gang do work at outside the color of law.
    I don't know any profession that you can Wright your own punishment for clearly violating the color of law.
    Cops convicted of criminal offenses don't get the same punishment as citizens!
    Until all people, rich, poor, standing, non standing civilian or cop are treated equally, America is not just nor can be considered just!!!

  5. Do you really believe this is an isolated issue in only W. Virginia? All three branches of government operate far outside the boundaries of our constitution. Not only that, when was the last time you heard of one branch checking the other? We need a constitutional amendment dealing with strict penalties for any government agent, be it judges, the police, anyone, even in town government, corruption is rampant!!! And this is the norm all across the land!!!! Now they are brazen enough to steal an election from the landslide winner, and the choice of the super majority of the people. Where does it end? When do the people put there foot down and say enough is enough??? Sometimes the tree of liberty must be watered by the blood of patriots and tyrants!!

  6. How do I contact you regarding my own case? It's been going on for 30 years. I wish I was kidding. Dark stuff and loads of evidence for federal lawsuits, if I can figure out how to file them. I'm in Fauquier County, Virginia. If you can't help, do you know anyone who can? The whole case is criminal. Always has been.

  7. All the Family court judges are part of a satanic Freemason religion, and their job is to steal children from good families and give them to pedophiles. They don’t care about any of the kids or their parents. They also make big money off the adoptions as Opposed to reunification with the parents.

  8. 🤔🗯️ It's SHOCKING to see that you only have 34k subscribers. You've got great content that you thoroughly breakdown for us as well as fighting tooth and nail for your clients.
    Congrats on the boot stomp case, your clients are lucky to have you, thanks for the great content it's much appreciated and good luck with your other cases!!!

  9. Did I read that for circumventing the Constitution and conspiring with attorneys to orchestrate "home visits" for over 25 years, all Goldston got was a $5000 fine (which she agreed to)?! And the Judicial Disciplinary Counsel tried to make it sound like they just took down Gotti.

    A system that performs unscrupulously in this fashion is beyond broken.

  10. Judge Stotler let my ex take my son out of state behind my back. I had soul physical custody, he was $15,000.00 behind in child support and was NOT on my sons birth certificate and wasn’t even apart of my sons life at all for the first 6 years of his life. I haven’t gotten my son back and no one will help me 🙁

  11. There are many ways to be dishonest and corrupt but only one way to be honest and transparent. Unfortunately many judges only know one way to enact their judical authority and it is the latter.

  12. If you cannot trust the "Judges" in the USA Judaical System, the we are ALL screwed. I respect cops and the courts, we need them, but they MUST hold themselves to a VERY high standard.

    These judges need to go, us "lowly" people when then feel safe to go to court.

  13. The citizens here in W.V. know how corrupt the judiciary in the state and counties are. Especially when it comes to family court. Family Court in the state of W.V. is set up to favor women in most child custody cases. Also if there is family of a judge involved in cases. The judges rule in favor of their family members. I have never heard of a judge in W.V. recuse themselves from a case. Now I could be wrong on that fact. But I have never heard of it happening.

  14. do you rep anyone anywhere. i need a lawyer for excessive force, threats of death to me from 2 differant deputies, conspiracy and more. All for stopping behind a traffic stop to get the depuites name. was held at gun point then tazed while standing on public right of way. i need charges dropped and then a federal lawsuit filed on 4 cross county arkansas deputies including the deputy chief. easy payday….

  15. How do you sue the division of motor vehicles in West Virginia? I am almost 50 years old and they are making me take the the driving permit test again. I have had a drivers license for almost 30 years. I had a State drivers license here that ran out in 2010. I just never got it renewed. I did not have a vehicle and I am disabled. So why get it renewed? I do not have a vehicle or someone that will allow me to use their vehicle . I can go buy a vehicle but I cant get it licensed, tagged, or insured. Without a drivers license. So how in the hell am I suppose to take the drivers examination without a vehicle since they are treating me like I am 16 again? Cant I sue on Right of Locomotion. They are declining my right of travel? Its not like I am trying to drive without a license that I should not need because I am not a professional driver.

  16. Too many in government is escaping consequences for their criminal activity refusing to testify after being subpoenaed refusing to turnover subpoenaed material and just blatantly lying the reason their interfering is cause everybody knows too much about everybody else and they're scared what might come out about them if they will not comply to your foia requests then I'd have them disbanded

  17. Since you are a lawyer in West Virginia how do you go about getting your law firm license in I meant to ask you that the last time because I have a couple of people it want me to be their lawyer and West Virginia and others and Maryland also how do I go about going and getting my law firm law firm license in West Virginia to be a lawyer

  18. Fascinating subject matter. I always enjoy your content. I laughed when you tried to pronounce anonymity. You are so polished I wouldn't have imagined that you'd stumble over any word. It made me realize that you're just human like the rest of us. I would not want to be these nudges. I mean judges.

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