Two years after his wife Micki was strangled and dumped over the side of a cruise ship, Lonnie faced a judge for the first time.
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Two years after his wife Micki was strangled and dumped over the side of a cruise ship, Lonnie faced a judge for the first time.
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Sounds like California
His lawyer acts like they have a personal life together
I don't understand why they keep arguing? The guy did kill his wife, period. I don't care about crime terminology. Sometimes circumstantial evidence speaks much louder and this case is one of them.
Never go back to a cheating husband. Specially if you are wealthy, you have insurance, child custody dispute, financial dispute or anything. Just dont. He knows a lot of people disappears in a cruise ship. This is a planned murder. Never ever go to him in a cruise ship. And there was a testament. The motives are very clear.
And the defense lawyer maybe will be the 4th wife.
So sad! He killed her!
Love isn't by force why would you go back to person that showed you right in your face they don't need you

Lawyer is gonna lose this case she a POS TOO
Judge is a POS
When he returns, he's with Wife #3, she tells what she knows.
Later, he moves and marries Wife #4…now #3's story changes…because she's jealous, and now angry, and now vindictive.
Then you get jailhouse snitches…sorry, but that's not credible.
She repeatedly physically abused him…he just had to stop the violence.
Politicians & Lawyers lie for a living, and Lawyers like this is a perfect example!
If you want to get away with a crime don’t ever involve or tell a woman, 9/10 they will spill the beans eventually!
Why is Misty defending this guy
The lawyers at the end HAHAHAHAHA
Defense attorney is going to hell… just my opinion…
you keep lying.
It’s obviously he killed her and he didn’t do a good job at it.
He did it!
Note to self: No cruises without security cameras
He should stay with wife number 3 but she should got some jail time I don't care how much she was afraid always same story from woman's
Mostly women defending men in situations like this…I don't even know what to tell em. I only wish those people they defend do the same to them to see how it feels like. Most of these women defenders are alone and unfulfilled. So they are jealous to see how their other counterparts can have love and decide to opt out
So the fact he was the last to see his murderd wife and that judge in California doesn't think that's good enough?
Those two female attorneys defending that criminal are gonna be wives number 4 and 5

This lawyer is gonna get killed if the guy gets out of jail! The guy is psychopath and serial killer!
Sorry lawyer guy. The guy "probably" did it, but you don't convict someone on that. There is no real evidence he killed her. Female lawyer is correct. Next…
At the end of this video, It's interesting to see (by way of these two lawyers insight, how most males can see things and people for who they are and certain females always have to put a spin on folks behavior or play the position of not seeing people and things for what and who they are and needing to find an excuse for whatever culprit. He's guilty #period!!! All that back and forth from one wife to the next is a clear indication that he knows how to play the fence well. Plus, what's the odds of manipulating his wife to change the will days prior to this seedy adventure. He ain't slick! The last person that I could care less about, that out of no where invited me to come to their home, way behind gods back, got a festive NO! Not because I was scared, but because I was in no way interested! I mean how can a deplorable man persuade you to keep his company?! Something that is suppose to be interesting and or at least pleasurable. I don't know what it is with females returning to men who have shown their ugly and don't mind catering to their ego by doing and saying all the right things to play them. This guy picks all the right females for support.
He did. It. Even though there was no evidence. They were fighting. He was greedy wanted her out his life. And sell the house. But miki was cramping his style . That was his motive he wanted her out of his life . For money . She was unable to work .
How can his defence attorney sleep at night? You have to be blind not to see he did it! I hope he rots in prison.
His lawyer looked high the whole time
Why they keep going back to the exes
..exes means murder they dont learn there fucking lesson. Thats why they get kill because they are retarded.
any updates? It's July 2018, the story was back in 2016
This is no accident. It is all premeditated. If money is what he is driven to get, he will get it no matter what. And this Misty Marris, what the hell is your problem? Protecting a murderer? Just wait till you’re the victim yourself due to your stupid speculations.
The defence attorney is deluded