Anger on the streets of New York City: Outrage as a rookie cop gets probation for the shooting death of an unarmed man.
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Anger on the streets of New York City: Outrage as a rookie cop gets probation for the shooting death of an unarmed man.
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Apparently, the check from the police union cleared the judge's offshore account.
I guess the check from the police union cleared the judge's offshore account.
Cops in Houston murdered Jose Campos Torres but the corrupt DA reduced the charges and allowed them to get off with a years' probation and a one dollar fine. Google it. It was horrendous.
Theres No Such accidentally shooting!!!!! He knows he has a gun in his hand !!!!!!
not so tough when he's found guilty!!
Everybody wants to cry racism give me a brake..Sad the young man lost his life but if the gun discharged and ricochet off a wall and hit the guy it's pure bad luck..
You get what u vote for live whit it
Ohh & how our you gonna give his people consideration by feeling sorry for self. This reckless cop like all his ilk should pay maximum penalty.
Another prime example of you can get away with anything, just have to be in law enforcement.
They knew exactly what they were doing they put a Asian judge because they knew he was going to be lenient on him the transparency and the lack of accountability is disgusting
That wasn't an accident at all what the hell he got his gun unhoaster in a hallway looking if kids are hanging around in them because that's what they do there was no need for him to walk around with his gun in his hand he's a scared little b**
These are the cops that are needed in North Korea
Poor leadership causes fear, instability, anger, and chaos. Tragic loss of life with no consequences to the loved ones left behind.
The judge has the power to change someone's conviction? These judges have too much power.
If the situation would've been flipped that man would've spent life in jail
Maybe if there was not gun violence within the United States and people that shouldn't have guns end up getting guns and using them for the wrong reasons we wouldn't be in situations like this my heart does go out to the families both parties involved
No he did a crime he asked to do the time just because he’s just Asian and gives an Asian judgment Black attorney anyone else
But why dont the ny govt improve that place to prevent crime? Light up, cctv or whatever. Im no expert just saying
The court and the police can have each other's backs, but they will not escape hell!
An accident is breaking a glass not murder.
The DA and the Judge just killed that family again by not sending this killer to prison. The showed there true selves. What a disgrace.
First should not have been carrying a open firearm in hand, it should been holstered. Next, should have been with safety on only, period. And last he is a police officer, a "professional", he should 15 years in prison.
So the gun, accidentally fires, on its own and not fired by the person that's holding it?
Make it make a little sense!
2020 Media wouldn't know what to do with this story

Why do we continue to deny what's obvious