Rookie Cop Loses Partner During Training – Crime Watch Daily

Rookie Cop Loses Partner During Training – Crime Watch Daily

As a rookie cop she never expected to encounter such horror her second night of training – her partner killed right in front of her. Jason Mattera has the story.


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20 thoughts on “Rookie Cop Loses Partner During Training – Crime Watch Daily

  1. LOOOOL when the interviewer says "it's amazing you're still a police officer" (referring to how she should not be ALLOWED to be, due to her lack of skill) and she thinks he's complimenting her 😂

  2. so Little Miss Rookie was NOT cut out for the job, apparently!! Bet that the now-deceased officer was wishing, in that moment, that he had an actual partner who was watching his six…. instead of this random bimbo who wanted to play pretend but had absolutely no skills. How tragic! She literally cost him his life.

    But congratulations to her that she gets to still milk some more money out of it and get some attention on TV….. eugh. What a self-absorbed clown.

  3. "All of the cops got up from the funeral to rush to see this suspect."

    Wish they'd do the same when a Cop kneels on a guys neck for 8 minutes or for a guy that they killed when he was complying.

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