Roommate’s arrest breaks 15-year-old cold case wide open

Roommate’s arrest breaks 15-year-old cold case wide open

Anita Knutson was found stabbed to death in her apartment in 2007. The case went cold for 15 years until detectives arrested her roommate in March 2022. “True Crime News” looks back at Knutson’s life and the investigation.


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47 thoughts on “Roommate’s arrest breaks 15-year-old cold case wide open

  1. If Nicole was that jealous why didn't she move out ??
    I had a guy in my dorm in college ( a long time ago ) who acted this way towards me !
    Somehow I instinctively knew to keep my cool and not let things escalate until I could move out and get away from him.
    I just seemed to sense that arguing with him would just make him more jealous and possibly dangerous .

  2. it will continue to boggle my mind how in my family and clearly many others, we play detective on these cold cases and seemingly now more and more are getting solved and in exactly the direction the entire PUBLIC were thinking. and law enforcement and attorneys couldnt ????

  3. The original detectives working on the case were either incompetent or negligent or plain stupid and useless. With dna and confession, yet they didn’t pursue in investigating the roommate. They should be sued!

  4. I don't know she didn't move out when the roommate started fighting with her and making threats, I really really don't know why the police just ignored the fact that roommate was threatening her life. I'm not putting any blame on the victim. The roommate is an evil selfish person. The police failed this family then, and again when they released her on bail. It doesn't matter how much money you can come up with, you shouldn't be free when they are sure you are guilty of a murder that happened 15 years ago. 15 years is already too much freedom for murder.

  5. FYI: You can’t have men as a friend only, because their brain doesn’t work like that. Also, you are better off living in a studio apartment. You can get a bigger place ON YOUR OWN, when you’re financially stable. It’s not worth it.

  6. Tyler's not so creepy. Guys become infatuated with females and sometimes they don't know how close the deal. They get "friend zoned". He probably thought he could befriend her and show her that he is Mr. Right and she'll fall madly in love with him. In his mind he was probably being loyal, dependable and reliable… not the hovering stalker he looks like on the 5 o'clock news! 😂

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