A Navy sailor named Chadwick Ghesquiere tried to have his wife Kathryn Ghesquiere killed by a hitman. He was caught on camera speaking with whom he thought was a hitman about his plan. He was later sentenced to 11 years in prison for trying to have his wife killed.
Check your local listings at http://crimewatchdaily.com
11 years so maybe out in 5 for good behavior!
The main person who needed thanks was the friend who reported the murder for hire .
This man couldn’t even fake a tear when he heard his wife was found dead
He's not a Naval officer he's enlisted. There's a difference!
Some people get life for drug trafficking. American justice at its best. .
Imagine if it was a Black man . He would have gotten at least 25 years
This is becoming overkill with the fake sting operations lol
11 years. That magic cloak of whiteness…
Fk 11 years he will be out and really kill her!
He should have definitely got life, that is bullshit.
Fir the first time watching This Interviewer who has been a part of many such situatiins wobdered how seeing tgese repetive YET individual crimes & there unrelentubg cruuelty & obsesdive behaviour have AFFECTED him & hiw these juornalusts cope ?
Should of Gotten the Death Penalty
She’s seriously gonna have to pay to divorce this guy? Not only should he have to pay for the formalities of the divorce, she should be granted one without a signature requirement from him. I mean people file for cruelty divorces all the time where the other spouse’s signature is not a requirement.
Thats messed up.. 11yrs aint shit.
Seems like this could’ve been avoided if she had waited longer than 3 months of knowing him to get knocked up…
Wtf?!?! Only 11 years,seriously?¿?
I hate people,so stupid.
You don't need a lawyer to get a divorce.
"Are you a cop"
"Yes I'm an undercover cop"
"Ohhh ok Ill find another person thank u"
These ppl really think this is really gonna happen when they ask are you a cop
Suuuuch terrible acting!!!

Her teeth look like a druggies teeth.
Be nice for women to learn from this and take some responsibility. She made ALL KINDS OF MISTAKES FROM THE BEGINNING.
Defense attorney: I demand a plea deal
Judge: umm let me think about that; I’ll give it to you. The classic definition of classic benefit of the doubt to the perpetrator of domestic violence and child molestation and I think very close was that the judge which I think helped him beat the charges and with him given 11 years its a reason why he did that. He’s trying to protect his reputation. In fact this criminal justice system is the definition of corruption by racism and white supremacy 100%
Why is it so hard to just get divorced xD
The woman is weird
She has a really sad and unhappy face.
So frustrating that she can't get a divorce. I can't imagine the feeling of being legally attached to the person who tried to murder you
If he was in the Navy wouldn't he be tried through them?
What a joke?
Well she's got 11years to change her name and disapear America is a big country i wish her luck
Lmao the way cops played him into believing she was really dead, and the fact that he had practiced his reaction, FOR WHAT! Lol
I'm thankful to God that my dead beat ex husband didn't want our children bcz his first mistress, later girlfriend, much later 2nd wife didn't want them.
11 years really he’s gonna get out madder
He got 11 years and he will prob be out in six , and kill her go back for 30 .
Totally off topic but the blues look better than our NWUs
جزاكم الله خيرا
آللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين
لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير
لا اله الا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين
استغفر الله العظيم رب العرش العظيم و اتوب اليه
سبحان آلله و الحمد لله و لا اله الا الله وآلله اكبر و لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم
سبحان آلله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم
الحمد لله على سلامتها
She’s lucky to have 11 years, my ex actually broke into my home, attacked me, and tried kidnapping my rabbits. The cops caught him, but he has yet to even go to court for the assault and battery. He’ll go to jail, eventually. I have a protective order, but that’s just a piece of paper. He’d definitely try to have me killed, if he could afford it.
Great end to what was a nightmare! I hope he never gets out!
Not 1 tear, no questions…. If this would have been carried through… He would have been the primary suspect.
It’s was probably because of her Jabba the Hut speaking voice.