Scambaiters Assemble at the Anti-Scam Call Center! – Everything Law and Order Blog

We built an anti-scam call center to combat scams! Thanks to Scammer Payback for an incredible week!

Check out this week’s coverage from:
Scammer Payback:
Karl Rock:
Trilogy Media:


41 thoughts on “Scambaiters Assemble at the Anti-Scam Call Center!”
  1. I spend my entire day at work fixing the messes these scammers leave behind. We talk about your videos and ways to prevent this. I strive to leave them with a little more control of their lives, a little laughter, and little less fear.

    But your videos make my day and this specific video has been my favorite. I love that all of you got together and tried to help. It made me cry. I realize I can't undo the damage but every day that I give that control back is a win to me.

    Thank you all for being my super heros.

  2. Y'all are absolutely awesome…!!! It is so refreshing to see good people doing great things for perfect strangers…!!!! Thanks so much for y'alls great work…! Keep up y'alls awesomeness and don't ever change or give up…!!! Y'all are loved…!!! Thanks again…

  3. Watching this again, a year later, and I still tear up. I am so thankful for this vision! The fact that I had the opportunity to be in Tampa for PCC23 week 1 – it was a life changer. Thanks for being a part of this team & doing what you do. 💜🎶

  4. As founder of the company, you just made my day seeing that you're carrying a Timbuk2 bag (clip near the end). I've watched a ton of your videos in the last few days and am awestruck at the incredible work all you folks are doing.

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