Scammers Are Spoofing Their Numbers! Here’s How. – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Just because you get a call from a number that looks official, doesn’t necessarily mean that it is! Scammers are using VOIP software to spoof their numbers. I’ll show you how, and then get a little revenge 🙂


27 thoughts on “Scammers Are Spoofing Their Numbers! Here’s How.”
  1. One thing is that little blip that you hear says that it is a scammer. The other thing is if someone calls you up and you tell them you are going to call the number on the card, DON'T call back right away because they may stay on the line and you want to make sure that you won't be redirected to them again.

  2. This is literally how my grandparents got scammed out of $2k of money out of their bank account. My grandma was on her computer and got one of these website pop-ups saying her computer was compromised and to call tech support.

  3. Don’t use your computer to watch porn. If you have an older smart phone. Reset it to factory and use that instead. That’s what I heard that’s the best way. Lola

  4. 9:00 same thing happened here. I walked in the house, my wife was on the phone, in front of her computer. I didn't "listen in" exactly, until she said something along the lines of "teamtalk" or whatever it was. My ears perked up, and I looked at what she was doing. She had a DOS prompt open, and typing something into it. I told her it was a scam, and disconnect. She started to argue, and I simply reached over, and turned her computer off. I don't recall now whether it was a microsoft scam, IRS scam, or whichever one, but I've done my best to educate her better, regarding scams. Hopefully, there will be no repeats.

  5. I have scammers calling my phone due to the scammer getting money off of my mom's roommate in whom is slightly retarded. My mom is dying of cancer and all of the issues with this scammer has pushed me out of providing care for her. I have 7 Apple cards in my possession totaling almost $500.00 from the man sending money to the scammer. I need help to close this issue

  6. My grandma was just hit for more than $8,000 recently by one of these scammers through the "AI" world. They found my grandma's Facebook account online and then created a mock account just like hers. Then they found her family members on her profile. Through there they ventured to my brothers active Facebook account (this is of the reason I don't use Facebook) where he has video's with him talking and conversing with his family. They took his voice from those videos and they also got some of the local attorneys voices and numbers from the city he lives and then proceeded to start the process calling my grandmother with my brothers number from her contacts and his voice stating he was in trouble and that he "hit a kid and killed the kid and was needing her help from being "locked up and sued" for life. They were successful for around $8000 of her $32,000 she has left from retirement. Her property taxes alone for one year is close to "4,000. She don't know how many years are left 4 her and neither do we. If this isn't a wake up call to end "AI". It's worst idea of destruction of humanity there ever was/is. Just imagine when AI is nothing but fully integrated human-like robots who are engineered to be smarter than us off the shelf. They'll be programmed to basically save the earth. And us humans technically in the AI world's eyes, are killing it. It'll drive them nuts. For sure.

  7. Thanks for doing your videos.
    I share this one with my swedish friends on fb who never know anything about spoofing numbers, many in sweden aren´t up to date with this kind of stuff. You explain in an easy and yet fun way.
    Thank you.

  8. I clicked on this video because I thought my ex was calling me using a masked number and it led me to something bigger than that! Thanks for this Ben – my aunt’s life savings are gone and is still paying off debt because of these Indian scammers.

  9. If you get a popUp saying you need to do something ..Simply restart your smartphone .. even if the screen seems to be locked .. restarting your phone will overide the screen lock .. If it won't restart ..take the battery out and put it back in as this also restarts the phone .. If on yoir laptop press control Alt Delete to bring up task manager and simply kill the web browser process or alternatively restart your laptop by restart power button or alternatively take the power lead out then put it back in

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