Scammers Tried to Rob Me … Here’s How I Found Them – Everything Law and Order Blog

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I discovered a company that offers tech support, but I found their tactics to be incredibly deceiving. This video breaks down what they do and how I managed to find them. Certain names and addresses have been to to comply with YouTube’s privacy policies.

Check out @mrwnSB’s expose of the same company on X


36 thoughts on “Scammers Tried to Rob Me … Here’s How I Found Them”
  1. It is a little ironic when a scammer like this is given direct access to your computer, and then they go on about "hackers getting into your connection". You're already allowing someone suspicious into your files and everything. They could potentially do more than just show IP addresses from the computer terminal, maybe even install malware instead of just an empty firewall and force you to go to actual IT. Think some might even direct you to pay in gift cards, where you're really vulnerable while your computer's unattended for 30+ minutes as you're shopping. I don't even know if there's actual companies that do that sort of thing.

  2. I work with a roofing company and we get emails/messages through our website with folks pretending to be someone who just bought a house in our area and they want us to reroof it and due to some reason, surgery/birthday party/out of country.. some reason they want us to completely replace the roof before they get to the house. I typically catch them before sending my estimator out unnecessarily by checking zillow and tax assessment webpages to view ownership information.
    But for the life of me. I can't figure it what the scam would be aside from their payment for the roof not going through and them not actually owning the property.

  3. Love your work. I spent 30 yrs in NC public education and believe that anti-scamming should be in the middle school computer curricula. I retired recently and have been enjoying asking this surge in phone scammers to "wait a moment while I find my credit card", then set the receiver next to the radio playing country music…. until they hang up. LOL

  4. Ben. I have been watching your channel and it's very interesting.
    I was wondering if you have a course or a video on how to detect the real from the false. I get so many emails and fish texts that's crazy.
    Thanks for any information

  5. i respect what you do but i think we shouldn't only attack the scammers for being scammers, in the US they don't have family values…. Once the child reaches 18 the parents throw them out of the house and once the parents reach 70 their child throws them out to a retirement home left there with no connection to the world and no one to talk to… all i'm saying you should contiune doing what you're doing but also promote for better family values

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