School safety expert talks campus security, threat assessment, more – TCDPOD

School safety expert talks campus security, threat assessment, more – TCDPOD

This week, retired police lieutenant Eric Rosoff, who specializes in school safety and security issues, discusses current topics in campus security, as well as PTSD events related to law enforcement and first responders.

Plus, an emergency dispatch operator is criticized for her demeanor after an Arkansas woman drowns in rising flood water while on a 911 call (26:20).
And a washed-out police recruit is arrested and charged in a string of sexual assaults in Georgia after his background check reveals clues (40:04).

Guest Eric Rosoff

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35 thoughts on “School safety expert talks campus security, threat assessment, more – TCDPOD

  1. i don’t understand how we r in 2019 and we r still hearing about these stupid kids killing their classmates. I mean come on. If someone bullies u GET HELP or simply LAUGH IT OFF.

  2. Heres a tip my cousin was actually in a mass shooting out in florida i forgot which one but im just gonna give you guys the same advice that i gave her…
    Trip whatever STRANGER that is next to you.. heres another tip dont be the stranger getting tripped.

  3. This is why i keep a strap on me at school and im not talking about no backpack straps. Let a mf come shooting in my school this tec gonna eat his face and whoever is in his vicinity

  4. No one deserves to be talked down to or ostracized and their worst moment when they call 911 it's for a reason you can have whatever opinion you want to have but you give that person on the line the respect that they f*** deserve when they're calling for help.
    How do you become a nine-one-one operator? it would be hard because I know I can't save everybody but I feel like I would do great with that even if it was the bad person calling just give him some common decency and help them out make the situation and easily. I'd say only one in a thousand phone calls made to 911 in a day are not an emergency the rest are and it baffled me how many 911 operators I here just being completely disrespectful to the person who's called I saw one yesterday where the guy hung up on her after telling her not to cuz she had to call back three or four times each time every time he answered he had a little fit and hung up her dad was dying she was upset she was cussing not at him she was just cussing and she had to keep calling back until somebody else answer the call because he just wouldn't send an ambulance… Like.. he looks like does that

  5. Ya know, most schools provide the children iPads or another electronic device to work on….they could have a string back pack to keep it and maybe a pencil .

    What really grinds my gears is they gave ours one but they still make them use all the books….just scan the fuckin pages or download the textbook..what's the point of the iPad if he still has to carry 20+ pounds in books?

  6. I live in California and my understanding was the issue about the lockers was because our idiot courts said school officials and law enforcement could not open a student's locker without a warrant. I remember signing stuff saying I understood that the locker was subject to inspection at any time, blah, blah, but apparently that was not sufficient. Sometimes I talk to moms in other states and am amazed to find out their kids still have lockers!!

  7. Being a certified law enforcement and other agency dispatcher with 15 years of experience, I can say that it is a very high stress environment , but belittling is a HUGE no no!!!

  8. This was a fantastic educational PODCAST. I am really GRATEFUL! God bless all of you. This is awesome and I will be sharing this to my FB as well as allowing my children 13 and 11 to listen and learn from this as well. Thank you all very much for this.

  9. Ok what about elementary kids now having to wear uniforms as it really pisses me off here in Washington city of Everett Hawthorne school as parents are immigrants and will not make a fuss as I'm American and we don't wear uniforms for schools unless private, and they make you buy it so they can make revenue and one of the teachers husband owns the clothing stpre supplying the clothes hmm

  10. if you are a free thinker; just dont go to college or university; it has become the hub for hive minds; just get a trade and skip the massive debt, fake rape allegations, and insane professors and students.

  11. sad school has become such a dangerous and deadly place for KIDS.
    I think schools or more like the government should install metal detectors at the entrance and exit of all schools and add security guards. that's how you spend school budget. instead of building a wall install metal detectors.

  12. I wonder if it is possible to add sensors to a building that can recognize the sound of a gunshot and set off a separate sounding alarm than a fire alarm and send emergency alerts to all nearby cellphones within one mile. I know that the sensors can be confused(such as a car backfiring), but it could save lives.

  13. Last night a student in 90 percent of my daughter's classes was arrested at a soccer game fo having a gun. We live in a small town in Massachusetts a place you'd never see these things happen. So scary and real.

  14. Allow teachers to carry guns. Gun free zones are targets for CRIMINALS who don't care about the LAW obviously. Criminals aren't going to see a sign for a gun-free zone and obey it. how stupid do you have to be to think that criminals care about signs or care about gun free zones. Look at Chicago, Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation and they have some of the highest gun deaths. ONLY law-abiding citizens obey the law. Duh. CRIMINALS aren't going to care they can't bring guns onto a campus or school. The ONLY way to stop these shootings is to have teachers carry guns so they can protect our students. If criminals knew that teachers were all armed the shooting would definitely diminish!

  15. Dave Chappelle made a good point in his '2019 Netflix Special' … Emergency protocol training in schools educating the students on what to do and where to go is also informing the next potential shooter! … I think the best and only choice right now is to install bulletproof security doors on every classroom! #USA

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