Scott Michaels shows special documents: ‘Hollywood Ripper,’ Anton LaVey – TCDPOD

Scott Michaels shows special documents: ‘Hollywood Ripper,’ Anton LaVey – TCDPOD

Guest Scott Michaels, who runs Dearly Departed Tours and Artifact Museum in Los Angeles, discusses items from his collection, including Michael “Hollywood Ripper” Gargiulo’s Hollywood apartment rental application, and the death certificate of Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan.

Dearly Departed Tours and Artifact Museum:

Scott Michaels on last week’s TCDPOD:

“Hollywood Ripper” update:

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36 thoughts on “Scott Michaels shows special documents: ‘Hollywood Ripper,’ Anton LaVey – TCDPOD

  1. I think to call it a church is disgusting!! Promoting satan in anyway is sickening!!! LaVey had connections to Aquino who was a sick, evil, manipulative psychopath who molested & helped kidnap children, got away with it because of powerful people where part of it & covered things up!!! They talk about the indulgence of sexual pleasures being encouraged but they don’t say with children also because they know it’s a felony crime!!!

  2. The Baphomet statue stunt isn't related to the Church of Satan at all, that was done by a silly political troll group pretending to be Satanists

    Also, to the best of my knowledge, Karla was never high priestess, I believe it went to Blanche Barton, LaVey's partner

  3. LaVey also was not the real brains of the outfit. LtCol. Dr. Michael Aquino was… and he left in 1975 with the entire priesthood. I could tell you a lot about this that you won't find online.

  4. The Church of Satan has no "worshippers", as Satanists do not worship. It's also about indulgence, not compulsion. It's about exercising your desires in a controlled manner, not blind hedonism.

  5. I've never seen three people so uninformed about satanism talk about it with such authority.
    Also that statue of baphomet was basically a troll, as a christian statue was getting put up so they applied to put up a satanic statue in the same place with the argument that it's unconstitutional to discriminate so if the christian statue is permitted then they have to permit the satanic statue too.

  6. Scott Michael's is quite a collector and historian of perhaps the Darkside or obscure Hollywood. Always has something interesting and provocative to say.

  7. Anton DID do these things and to be clear, The Satanic Temple tried to put up that stupid statue, NOT the Church of Satan. His daughters did NOT take over, Peter H. Gilmore did. Where’d you find this guy? Do some fact checking folks!

  8. As the publicity built up, patrons of the Lost Weekend began pestering
    Anton with questions. One of them was a San Francisco police inspector whose
    name, believe it or not, was Jack Webb. “Tony,” Webb asked Anton one night,
    “why don’t you make some greater use of all this magic stuff and the philosophy
    you have spun around it? You know, you have enough material for the founding
    of a whole new religion. Do you realize that?”
    Anton considered it. Why not formalize the practice of black magic as he
    defined it, he asked himself, into a philosophy of life, even a religion that would
    serve as the antithesis to white magic? To Anton, ever since pagan worship was
    outlawed, religions were all based on the alleged spiritual nature of human
    beings, with little or no concern for their carnal or mundane needs. Nevertheless,
    they were based on a kind of magic, and Jesus Christ, if he had been a real rather
    than a fictitious character, would have been in the final analysis nothing more
    than a magician.
    What is magic? Anton defined it as “the change in situations or events in
    accordance with one’s will that would, using normally accepted methods, be
    unchangeable.” Was that not an accurate description for the purpose of Christian
    church rites? Consider. In the Catholic church, the high priest recites Latin chants,
    waves incense in the air, invokes an invisible holy spirit, mortifies the flesh, and
    by every means possible tries to change events by an extremely humble and selfabasing approach to deity. The approach is based on fear of that deity which has
    power over the entire universe and is viewed as a vengeful force that will wreak
    havoc if angered and not constantly assured of the devotion of the faithful. Only a
    trained priest, a kind of magician, is deemed capable of interceding to avert this
    supremely powerful deity’s wrath and events resulting from that wrath.

    Black magic, then, would simply be a new religion devoted to earthly
    matters: a badly needed religion based on the natural instincts of human beings.
    Magic in such a religion would be used to work spells and hexes, to invoke
    demons, and to extol Satan, lord of flesh and all material things. The purpose of
    the religion would be to conjure up the hidden force in Nature called Lucifer,
    Prince of Darkness, and other biblical names, and then to employ the power
    gained from it to benefit those followers who believed in the efficacy of the force
    in any form of the Devil which they might imagine, whether or not in corporeal
    form. There would be no fear or trembling before this force. It would be conjured
    boldly to enhance the happiness and prosperity of human beings right now here
    on this earth rather than to gain eternal life in some future realm. It would be, in a
    sense, Faust’s bargain with the Devil portrayed in Christopher Marlowe’s fiction,
    without fear of or belief in the terrible consequences.
    Such were the thoughts of the man who was to undertake the combined
    role of representative on this earth of the biblical “fallen angel” Satan, that deity’s
    defender and avenger, and the pope of a church wherein people could pray for
    fulfillment of their everyday material desires rather than forgiveness for their sins.

    Anton’s thinking was much the same as that of Shaw. The idea was not to
    attempt escape from a given environment, since switching to another location was
    unlikely to change the human condition there. Instead, Anton developed a kind of
    faith that was the opposite expressed by Christians. It was Anton’s faith that by
    means of “black magic” circumstances could be changed in the immediate
    environment so as to create a singly favorable result for the magician, rendering
    escape unnecessary.
    Every child knows that if it wishes and Hopes for something hard enough, Anton reasoned,
    the wish comes true. White magic, which is prayer, is apprehension. Black magic, which is
    wishing, is desire. The scriptures of white religions have turned desire into lust, covetousness, greed. Desire is none of those perversions. It is a bodily need expressed through
    conscious or subconscious thought. Through black magic I will move the forces of Nature
    to gain the objects of my desires.
    That is what Anton preached to his parishioners. In lieu of the “kneetribute” and “prostration vile” [in Anton’s terminology] demanded by the
    Christian Church and ridiculed by John Milton in Paradise Lost, in lieu of the
    breast-beating and begging for forgiveness of sins, Anton had his congregation
    “pray” for fulfillment of their material, carnal desires: that is, he had them work
    ritual magic to attain their goals.
    It will no longer be a barren place where you get down on your

    knees and beg for forgiveness, no longer a place to get out of as fast as you can,
    but rather a temple of pleasure where you go for fun.”
    As Anton explained it orally and in writing, those were the goals that
    Satanists’ “fellow Americans,” at least the most successful of them, were praying
    for; so, why not admit to it, why not admit to materialistic greed, why not admit to
    carnality and even make a religion of it? Then there is no longer any hypocrisy
    that leads to a split personality.

    Lilith “Next, I figure out all the ingredients that make up the Is-to-Be, and I put
    them into a magic alphabet. I say an invocation to Satan and call up demons with
    a long knife, which is the closest I can come to Anton’s Sword of Power. I say what
    I want to happen or read it from a piece of paper and burn that over a flame.

    “Now that force must be brought out by someone strong enough to tell us that it’s
    all right to use it in a powerful way. Anton has taught me how to get what I want.
    Things I wouldn’t do before, because I thought they were too selfish, I will do
    now. I was too cowed before to reach out for my goals.

    Anton was delighted with Lilith and the rest of his witches, as well as with
    the warlocks, who were cooperating with him in moving the Church of Satan out
    of what he construed as its adolescent pranking stage into a new level of serious
    work. He was confident that together with him they could use ritual magic for the
    achievement of mighty deeds.

    The hex or curse is actually more than an exorcism in Church of Satan rites;
    it is a destruction ritual with all of the niceties abandoned and Satan, or more
    accurately Emotion, unchained. The ritual – based on anger, annoyance, disdain,
    contempt, hatred, and finally the desire for vengeance – is for the purpose of
    releasing emotions in such a way as to focus on their cause, so that the detested
    persons and entities or institutions are in a sense “destroyed”, thus freeing the
    individual who harbors the animosity toward them from being harmed by them in
    her or his life or psyche.
    Anton had been ready to forget everything if the case against him had been
    dismissed. Because his neighbors would not be content with Togare’s removal
    from the “black house,” and pressed charges anyway, Anton decided to wreak a
    bit of black magic vengeance upon them. He poured his anger into a destruction
    ritual. Within a year after he did so, several of the neighbors who had complained
    and pressed charges had either moved away or died.
    “I give you my word that I will do everything within my power,”
    Anton quoted himself as having told Jayne.
    Anton’s story of how he went about fulfilling his promise to Jayne was that
    amid a heavy rainstorm he drove, in a black hearse he had purchased, over the
    Golden Gate Bridge to Mount Tamalpais, highest peak in the San Francisco Bay
    Area. On the top of the mountain, amid the pelting rain, he spread his black cape
    wide and recited a soliloquy he had prepared, calling on his “brother Satan” to
    spare the life of Jayne Mansfield’s son.
    Zoltan recovered from his wounds, leading Jayne to believe even more in
    Anton’s powers. But some lion feces flung into one of the gashes on Zoltan’s body
    entered his spinal fluid, causing an infection that developed into meningitis.
    Again death seemed near. Again Jayne telephoned Anton. This time he responded
    by conducting a Church ritual for greater power, with himself and several dozen
    members of the congregation invoking Satan’s blessing on Zoltan. Whether you
    believe the ritual was effective or irrelevant, even the physicians who operated on
    and treated Zoltan were surprised by the boy’s remarkable recovery.
    My power
    exceeds anything you can imagine, and now you are going to feel it. You will be
    dead in one year. Sam Brody, I pronounce that you will be dead within one year!”
    That same night Anton conducted a private but formal destruction ritual in
    which he placed Brody’s name on a piece of parchment and burned it, invoking
    the power of the infernal names and commanding that Brody be annihilated
    within the time specified. If the man had any redeeming qualities, perhaps the
    curse could be less destructive. But Anton could discern none in this “weasel,” as
    he called Brody. Besides, Anton took what Brody had said to him as a threat to
    damage the reputation which Anton felt he had established as a legitimate
    practitioner of the black arts. So, no, there could be no compromise, nor even an
    undirected curse. Brody was to be wiped out, killed.
    After Anton invoked the curse, he told me, he called Jayne to warn her of
    the consequences.

  9. Im suprised this channel managed to get even one subscriber if this is how they interview people everytime. Speaking over the top of the guest like that was pathetic to say the least. Well i will try and find a interview with this guy were the interviewer knows what their doing.

  10. Anton Lavey was a real satanist and satanists are liars. They are PROUD liars. Lying is a desirable VIRTUE in satanism. Satan is "the father of lies" and so his devotees lie just like dear old dad. Lavey publicly talked a merely hedonistic talk but was indeed a devout satanist as evidenced by his black church, his overtly satanic attire, CALLING HIS CHURCH THE CHURCH OF SATAN, depicting overtly satanic symbols within the church and his writings, AND when he was interviewed in the book "Lucifer Rising" he talked pretty openly about having to market the church of satan in a particular way so as to reduce outrage and gain acceptance. Same with the satanists wanting to put up the baphomet…THEY ARE SATANISTS, they are not interested in religious "free speech" they were interested in putting up a statue of satan becauses they're satanists. I understand that is not the reason they gave for wanting to put up the statue but please try to remember that they are liars, they are PROUD liars, and lying is a virtue within satanism.

    Here is the quote from "Lucifer Rising"…there are a couple of others as well within that book but this is the only one I could find. The context here is that Lavey is ask about the fact that "real satanists" don't like his watered-down satan-less conception of satanism. This was his response:

    “If they’re at all intelligent…they’ll realize that there’s only so much I can say publicly…I will not advance things in print which make my position untenable…How long would the Church of Satan have lasted if I hadn’t appeased and outraged in just the right combination? It required a certain amount of discretion and diplomacy to balance the outrage."

  11. The host needs a new job. You don't have people on to simply talk over them CONSTANTLY! When the other two speak-he starts talking and continues-refusing to stop. They guys a rude, blow hard moron. SHUT UP!

  12. Satanists tell gullible people and ‘useful idiots’ that they don’t really worship Satan and they don’t do animal or human sacrifice and it’s all just about indulgence… and that gets parroted over and over to cover up what really goes on. Deceive the public with purity, keep perversion private.

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