Search for Wisconsin Teen Continues Seven Years Later (Part 2) – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Search for Wisconsin Teen Continues Seven Years Later (Part 2) – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

A haunting viral video and a mother’s biggest fear and a frantic search for an answer to the question: what happened to Kayla Berg? Jason Mattera reports.

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24 thoughts on “Search for Wisconsin Teen Continues Seven Years Later (Part 2) – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

  1. I noticed they said he took a lie detector test years after she went missing. Why didn't he take the test when they asked him oh wait he had taken a drug so what he could of waited a few days and took it then. But noooooo he had to lawyer up
    People lawyer up real quick when they have something to hide
    They said he passed a later lie test so what his lawyer put it together
    Its easy to pass when your lawyer puts it together. They made sure they don't ask the questions in the right way making test not valid
    You can't always go by those test though because many criminals have passed those things only later to find out they did it
    Did they video the test and show it to law inforcement for their scrutiny?
    I doubt it
    It was a p.r campaign by his lawyer nothing more
    Obviously local law bungled the investigation from the start
    Maybe her boyfriend did it
    But it seems to be the friend who smoke weed with her he had the biggest opportunity
    Someone knows something that could blow this thing up
    No question that dude is the key
    If he were so innocent he would be doing everything he could to help find out who did this
    It's obvious he doesn't care he is trying to save face
    He knows he is no 1 suspect
    Until I see something otherwise he was involved
    He was hanging out with a minor
    He was contributing to the indecency of a minor I dont know how a judge could let that charge slide
    Sometimes people see stuff and don't see the significance of it and just ignore it not realizing .it could be clue sometimes its the I don't want to get involved and dragged into court. They might be afraid to come forward at this point to avoid being attacked by media the families involved.
    Maybe witness was threatened
    Either way its a sad deal
    There are many cases out there like this just make me sick

  2. I hate to say it, but I would refuse a "lie detector" too!! They are not admissible, nor are they even really a "lie detector", it's just a simple device that monitors a person's vitals in the hopes that there is a spike in vitals.

  3. I’m really just dumbfounded how that Kevin—acts guilty AF, last person known to be with her while alive—he wasn’t even ever charged with ANY crime. Just seems like….I dunno. The most likely perpetrator never even had the screws put to him. Not really. Even the reckless endangerment or whatever was dropped. WTF. Stranger of opportunity? That’s just so unlikely. 95% chance it had to be one of those two boys. And they got away Scott free. That lead detective seems like a mush-brained fool. I’ll just such a horrible shame. And just really weird.

  4. Are the police ever watch those two suspects ,confront them ,wiring theirs phones , follow them ,theirs whereabouts ,asking theirs friends who they Hanging out with, searching theirs homes .she can't just disappear if they're not involved.impossinle

  5. This tears me up ,Hope the mother and my daughter was friends,she spent many of nights over here at my house on weekends,to have this happen is to close to home ,I don’t think she’s alive it’s been to long ,hope please know your in my prayers,,,

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