A father of five, a browbeaten wife, and a pretty young woman in the basement, crowded together in a house stained with jealousy and bloodshed.
Full story: http://bit.ly/2ImQH9v
A father of five, a browbeaten wife, and a pretty young woman in the basement, crowded together in a house stained with jealousy and bloodshed.
Full story: http://bit.ly/2ImQH9v
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i felt bad until i found out they were cheating. now i can’t help but feel like this was deserved. i hope the wife is at peace
I will never ask no one to forgive me they got what they wanted period 💯
I feel so sorry for the kids. 😢😢😢
Obviously she should have taken her kids to a DV shelter and divorced him not destroyed the kids lives by orchestrating murder. However, I don’t understand why she would take a plea deal. At 44 a 60 year sentence means she will be in prison till death and death sentences take a long time to be enforced so she would probably die there anyway after all the appeals. She had a better chance letting a jury hear what er husband did and seeing if the jury’s sympathy would get her a lower sentence.
He wrote a letter – after he murdered 2 people.
Leave people’s husbands and wives alone. Stupid of her to move into that house. 😒
I feel like that boy should be eligible for parole as well, he may have been 18 but he was still just a kid. & Clearly he was manipulated by that awful woman. I know he's the one who actually carried out which is why he still needs to serve for a long time but i think he should get a chance to het out.
Don't feel sorry for the boyfriend. He committed cold-blooded murder. He is no victim!
Her SOB husband [LIKELY] married her for her money, spent it all; he had his mistress (ESPECIALLY) in their marital home!! Then he MOVED her when the family moved INTO THEIR BASEMENT!! Then, he pushed Ann aside, WTF?! Who convicted this poor woman?! Heck, no! HE WAS THE CRIMINAL! HE SHOULD BE THE ONE ROTTING IN JAIL, sorry NOT sorry! Ugh!
You invite the devil inside your house it will coom your meal and stuffing down into your ***.
Are they so fucking stupid that they don't realize that the calls are being recorded???
Well thank god that mother is gone because she is a good damn pedophile she really allowed her 14 year old CHILD to date an 18 year old. Sick shit the whole family even the dead husband who allowed it. All I can say is every one of them minus the husband who should be in prison for allowing it if he was alive is exactly where they should be
Some "people" are so easily convinced to commit crime. I see that again and again.
Asshole screwed up all his kids lives😢
Wait 13 dating an 18 year old? I’m suprised statutory wasn’t on the table 😳
You all in the comments are way too lenient on the wife
Yeah it sucks to have that around her but it doesn’t justify her arranging the deaths of two people
The husband and mistress did it to themselves, they got what they deserved. The wife flipped, wtf did they a
Soooo….if the boyfriend did the murder how did Ann have gunshot residue on her hands???
I can't count the number of murders I've seen on the shows that happen because of adultery. There is a reason God said not to do this type of stuff. The guy was sleeping with another woman while his wife was still in the house. That is nothing but a piece of scum and the girl was just as bad to go along. The Bible says "don't be overly Wicked, why die before your time". If this man would have just done the right thing he wouldn't be dead. No way i can blame the wife for this. The guy was TRASH! You don't treat people like that. One day he will be resurrected and he will face judgment for the way he lived. This is when True Justice will be served. He'll be tossed into the Lake of Fire and burned up. Sin comes with a price.
The poor young man was manipulated and used
I sympathize with the wife but she should have filed for divorce instead of plotting double murders
The detectives did a great job solving the double homicide
It’s tragic the minor daughter got involved the father was selfish and abuse his wife by keeping a mistress in the house
The wife is quite calm she was harboring a grudge for her husband n his mistress
It’s so obvious who the killer is
Keeping a mistress in the house with the wife n children is outrageously immoral and a bad example to the kids and outright disrespect and hurtful to the wife
He was unfaithful keeping a mistress in the basement
Staged crime scene
The house looks like a pigsty
Wife is suspicious