Security Guard Thinks He OWNS The Sidewalk – Everything Law and Order Blog

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This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.

This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.

Original video:

SideWalks22’s channel:


The Ebell of Los Angeles-

Los Angeles Municipal Code § 41.20-

Street Closure Provisions and Application Procedures-
Cal. Pen. Code § 602-

James v. City of Long Beach-

Cal. Pen. Code § 242-

People v. Rocha-

Power to Arrest Training Manual-

CALCRIM No. 3475. Right to Eject Trespasser From Real Property-


36 thoughts on “Security Guard Thinks He OWNS The Sidewalk”
  1. This security guard is totally in the wrong. They have a certain Area they cannot close off the whole entire sidewalk. Curity guards cannot in public on a public sidewalk, touch, push punch, kick or assault anybody nor can I tell them them where they can, and cannot stand this photographer right now, has full rights to defend himself using whatever force is necessary. OK so the narrator is completely and totally wrong. If there is a privately owned property, they can be trespassed from the property. That is a public sidewalk they cannot, legally trespass you from a public sidewalk. If this generator wants to quotelaws, they need to stop nitpicking certain areas and miss quoting the law. Once, again, that security guard was in the wrong that cameraman was not on the property. He was on a public sidewalk for the public. They cannot shut down a tire sidewalk just because. Once again, the narrator is picking and choosing what he wants to read and see. At no time was that cameraman on private property he was on a public sidewalk the security guard, cannot force him off of the
    Public sidewalk, and he cannot use any force. That is called assault and battery, but the narrator of this channel will not tell you that. I give the security supervisor F- for his actions, I give the cameraman A+ well, the way he handled this situation. I gave the narrator of this channel a C – for the way you missed informed the public on laws .

  2. The sidewalk is "closed" to the public where the sign says it's closed. You can't trespass someone from a location because there's a trespass sign 100' further down. This isn't complicated. Clear F.

  3. If the entire sidewalk is restricted for one person you should make it fair and have the same conditions for others in that area. Also, anyone in that situation would believe there should be a restricted gate around the area not just a small section.

  4. I'm sorry but the guy filming is a jackass, people with nothing better to do that just want to cause trouble and get publicity. Is sidewalk is closed, the guy is telling you to leave, you're sitting there telling him he has bad breath? These are the same people that walk around looking to cause problems and get a reaction and then get a lawsuit and get paid. This whole country is going down the toilet!

  5. Why didn't he ask why the barrier was not extended to the end of the sidewalk? Common sense (yeah) would indicate the sidewalk was closed at the point the barrier began, not the point leading up to the barrier.

  6. The security supervisor had a “ cop attitude “ if the side was officially closed at a defined point ( as with the signage ) then ALL persons should have been asked to leave not just the man with the camera . If the defined point WAS the fire hydrant then why weren’t the signs at that point ?

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