SENTENCING: Oxford School Shooter’s Parents – MI v. James & Jennifer Crumbley – Everything Law and Order Blog

The parents of Oxford High School shooter Ethan Crumbley will be sentenced for their involvement in the deadly crime Tuesday. Ethan killed four of his classmates and injured several others when he opened fire inside his Michigan school back in 2021. Jennifer and James Crumbley were convicted of involuntary manslaughter for turning a blind eye to their son’s reckless behavior, purchasing the gun used in the shooting.

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37 thoughts on “SENTENCING: Oxford School Shooter’s Parents – MI v. James & Jennifer Crumbley”
  1. Jennifer's statement🤯
    She really thinks she "did her best" and they "loved our son, and each other, tremendously" you where having an affair, how much did you love each other exactly😅

  2. And who is gonna hold the state responsible for having laws in place that allow civilians to just walk into a Wallmart to buy a gun and that allow minors to do target practice at a shooting range? Anyone? No? The US are batshit insane. Honestly so glad I live in Europe.

  3. James’ lawyer saying he didn’t know his son had access to a firearm is absolutely nuts! Of course he knew! Hiding weapons under a bunch of clothes isn’t keeping them safe. He never locked them up, which is exactly what he should have done. That goes for both parents.

  4. 4-14-2024…..OTIS weigh-in: I can't believe it, James outweighed Jennifer by 10 lbs! she couldn't beat him in the Oakland County Jail Eating Derby. But I think James won the Shawshank Fresh 🐟 FishDerby…. there's no photo, they must be waiting for the bruises to clear up. Jen OCJ mugshot slender and defiant, angry! Jen MDOC mugshot – bloated, defeated, it's gonna be a long 10 yrs in Ypsi. And MartyrJames– get busy living or get busy unliving

  5. Maybe the school should be allowed to send kids home when danger signals are present. I did so voluntarily when my child showed signs of distress and the school informed me. I took her home immediately and took the rest of the day off of work. But at present schools are not permitted to insist that the child leave unless the parents consent. The school is only allowed to do so after going through a suspension with cause procedure.

  6. This could never happen to me because guns are and always have been totally unnecessary in our family and my parents, children and grandchildren feel the same way. Only one is a hunter and could never sneak a hunting rifle into school. Mr. Crumbley still doesn’t think she did anything wrong. Let us all learn from this.

  7. So many prayers for the victims and family members. The victims statements are absolutely beyond heartbreaking. As parents talk to your kids every day be actively involved every day. When our kids need help get all the proper help immediately. There are amazing support and professional services out there just need to ask for help right away. As well as be responsible role models. These parents failed their son and the community miserably and juatice must be served. These parents have absolutely zero remorse

  8. The school needs to take responsibility as well. As a school counselor, there is NO WAY we would have allowed that student to stay at school per our threat assessment protocol. They need to be held accountable as well!!!

  9. I completely understand how everybody feels about these parents. I completely understand how some or all do not like Shannon Smith. I think the one thing she’s done in this whole trial that upset me was she rolled her eyes during the girls impact statement of her sister being killed that kind of upset me, but I think she’s an amazing attorney for her. Client is a POS but I would love to have an attorney like her that would fight for me.

  10. I’m genuinely stunned by the absence of responsibility shown here. Regardless of legality, shouldn’t securing guns at home be a priority for safety, especially with a child you claim to love, to prevent accidental harm? It’s alarming to see this child’s fascination with guns and the potentially tragic consequences. Quoting the Bible about perfection and not judging seems misplaced. Let’s not sugarcoat the situation.

  11. If youre a special needs reading this make sure to talk to your primary care doctor as soon as you notice symptoms that seem obv but arent. Get prescription medication for school. Otherwise you could be stuck in a state of paralysis for the rest of your life.

  12. Interesting. So being indifferent, not raising a child right, and leaving guns unsecured is something parents are going to prison for now. When are they going to start charging the parents of all the gang bangers in Chicago? Oh wait, wrong demographic.

  13. They weren't perfect parents, but they were NOT terrible parents either.

    To all you perfect parents out there: Matthew 7:5
    King James Version
    5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

  14. I read that the median age of pew pewers is 16 …… makes sense to me.
    I taught 7,8 and 9th graders and a few upper grades over the course of my teaching career.

    There’s SOMETHING ABOUT 9 th graders! They are miserable and dark spirited and seem to have given up.
    7 th graders are squirreley…. But very sweet. I LOVED teaching them science because they LOVED hands on activities! 8 th graders are less squirrelly but ONLY care about SOCIAL things…… forget school.
    ! 9 th graders are angry because they are at the bottom of the food chain…. Again…They can’t drive etc…. AND THEIR HORMONES ARE RAGING!!!
    If youve had a pleasant child up until they go to 9 th grade OR TURN 15/16 LOOK OUT ITS HORMONAL… ACT ACCORDINGLY!!! Counseling ASAP!!!!! They are the LAST people you’d want to provide with WEAPONS! My goodness!

  15. So glad for this ruling! Parents will now be held responsible for allowing their children access to lethal weapons. Ethan was only 15 years old, depressed, and fantasized about murder…yet he was given access to a semi-automatic weapon to fulfill his fantasy. Unacceptable!!

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