Shadow McClaine murder: Soldier pleads guilty, implicates ex-husband

Shadow McClaine murder: Soldier pleads guilty, implicates ex-husband

Army specialist Charles Robinson says he slashed Shadow McClaine’s throat, then broke her neck to make sure she was dead. He says McClaine’s ex-husband, Jamal Williams-McCray hired him to murder her.

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48 thoughts on “Shadow McClaine murder: Soldier pleads guilty, implicates ex-husband

  1. Jesse is my uncle, Shadow was my cousin. Finally brought myself to watch this. I don’t talk to my uncle much but I do know this has forever changed him. I wish I could have gotten to know Shadow more, she was a very sweet and quite gal with a very good life ahead of her. My family was never fond of London, but no Mother deserves this.

  2. I was cell mates with Charles Robinson in Clarksvill TN while his case was going on. He was crazy, and told me where he hid the body. I let investigators know where he dumped the body for her husband on the interstate going into Nashville, and for a reward I got off on almost all my charges.

  3. This is what 2 sociopaths look like. When people are leaving an abusive spouse I recommend you stay away from them. Their fragile egos can't take being left. They always come on in the beginning of the relationship as prince or princess charming during the idealization phase which will turn in no time into the devaluation phase when the abusive behavior starts. I think most abusers are either narcissists or sociopaths.

  4. If I had a daughter I will make sure to tell her very get into a relationship with a soldier because they're trained killers and dominance is they crave, not all of them but must of them…
    Why should you love someone that willfully give up they innocence plus morals be controlled and turned into a killer..

  5. I'm glad both killers got their just desserts. The wannabe hitman got ripped off and the ex husband got snitched on by the guy he ripped off! Tragic for that poor girl though no matter what happens to those 2.

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