A California teen told her parents she was going to her high school football game but actually went to a party. When she returned home, her mother said she “looked like a ghost.” Hours later, she seemingly vanished without a trace, leaving her family and friends desperate for answers. Annie Elise from 10 to LIFE delves into the perplexing case of Karlie Gusé, a young girl whose disappearance has captivated the nation and left investigators searching for clues.
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Karlie Gusé, a 16-year-old from Mono County, California, was last seen on October 13, 2018, after attending a party the night before. According to her stepmother, Melissa Gusé, Karlie appeared disoriented and frightened upon returning home. The following morning, Karlie was gone, having left the house on foot with no phone, money, or extra clothing. Despite extensive search efforts by law enforcement and the community, no concrete evidence has been found to determine what happened to Karlie. The case remains unsolved, with theories ranging from abduction to voluntary disappearance.
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Any updates
When my nephew who smokes weed walked up to us he was in a state of panic but was physically OK I immediately called for emergency, there is no excuse for the parents not to call for help even if it was just an anxiety attack. Also sleeping with eyes wide open should have raised concern that should not have been ignored!
Coming back to this case again after several months, and I think I actually have a super plausible theory as to exactly what might have happened that night. I actually heard this from a comment on another video. They think that before Karlie left to go to the "party", the parents and step mom gave her something that was laced before she left, so that when she was smoking at the party, it would activate and cause her to have her episode. Then, when they brought her home, Melissa recorded her to show her what she was like on drugs, with the intent to show her how much they messed with her head like she had said. The whole thing was a set up to get Karlie to freak out and essentially scare herself from smoking again, after her long break, but it ended up going too far and accidentally killing her that night. That would explain why they didn't take her to the hospital, why Melissa texted Donald about the pot being laced, as a way to make it seem like the "laced" drug had come from the party, and why they're acting all strange and scrambling their stories because they're guilty of letting her die. It was Melissa that was seen walking around the next morning. It was just a plan that had gone terribly wrong, and now they came up with the missing story to get the suspicions off of them. That's also why there are so many discrepancies between stories.
Could still be wrong but when you think about it, it certainly sounds very obvious. I really hope more people read this because it's the most believable theory I've heard yet.
Step mom and dad must be investigated!!
Like Carlie was literally crying out for help if my child was acting super paranoid you bet your rear end my next stop woulf be the ER especially if my child asked me if i was. Going to call 911 and if something happens to me will u call 911 thats a freaking cry for help the stepmom could of prevented this in so many ways
Karlie guse teleport backroom
I’ve been following this case for a long time and I don’t buy the stepmoms story for what I understand. There were some problems in the later times of the relationship with the stepmom.
I hope Melissa and Zack one day learn that what happens in dark always comes to light.
Why is Annie under this channel??????
When someone laced me with edible Marijuana I felt completely messed up my heart was racing anxiety had to go hospital for treatment
It been a very long time that she’s been missing, idk if she’s been found yet
Stealing people's lives by trafficking.Them is the most evil crime ever and using these girls from traffickers even worse.
it could have been the drink that was laced
I really appreciate your approach and seriousness to these cases. And the level of detail you provide.
The stepmother can't react like her mother because she's not. The urgency and pain of the real mother is evident. This is such a sad case. The one footprint is really suspicious, also. How could there be only one? I live in the desert and the sand is also dusty and fine. I don't see how conditions could exist that produce one footprint but no others. It seems impossible.
Instead of narrating such kinda true story, better make a detail documentry video.
Just my opinion.
I disagree she did not leave the house the step mother did something and the dad to this child covered the wife crime right away when u don't take someone to the hospital that means evil will show up a d the step mom and dad will be found out
Size of print could be a clue
Parents are suspicious
U not a blonde
U sound to valley
I bet she was dead when they seen her with her eyes open…. Cuz thats not weird at all…. Like negligence is sometimes worse kind abuse
I love bishop. I visit there 4-6 times a year
I SWEAR ON MY LIFE! I PAUSED AND COMMENTED AS SOON AS SHE SAID IT WAS A REMOTE DESERT TOWN IN CA! I HAD NOT HEARD THE PART ABOUT RIDGECREST YET! THAT PLACE IS UNHINGED. I ACTUALLY SPIT MY SODA OUT WHEN SHE SAID RIDGECREST! Also, I said 3 months in my initial comment and I now remember it was actually only 2 months and I had to come back to Utah because I absolutely could not take it any longer! All anybody does there is drink and do meth I do not do you either It was the most horrible two months of my life! And the police out there in Ridgecrest are like making up the rules as they go along, there was a guy there who was an absolute drunk I don't know how many times he got pulled over for DUI they kept just letting him go because he had to take care of his wife who could not drive and she had some messed up medical problems mainly mental and he ended up getting in an accident and seriously injuring some people! I am not exaggerating when I say that this place is absolutely unhinged!

I spent 3 months in a town called Ridgecrest California that's in the middle of BFE and the stuff that goes on in these tiny towns out in the middle of the desert are absolutely insane!!!
Did they do a DNA?
Something is fishy about this girl missing
I dnt believe this lady this is a false story.
Sounds like it was laced with K2 a lot of people dont have a reaction to it and some people go into a complete psychosis especially if they have pre existing mental illness
Happened to me when I was 17 everyone I was with was fine I was completely out of my mind thankfully I was able to understand that it was laced and just got myself through it but it was scary
No one is talking about the main problem that lead to this drugs and destruction of the family we need to fix this and return to traditional values.
should have stayed home studying
It’s not pseudoscience
Sativa and indica. Easy way to remember, indica puts u in da couch
The dad and step mom appear to not be playing with a full deck. Also, their story is ridiculous. That girl needed medical help. Dad, being a drunk left his responsibility to his wife who likely, did not care that her step daughter was missing. Sinister…… they did something to that child.
The frequency!!! Moms keeping baby teeth is actually their frequency wild science
Undoubtedly, not undoubtably, which isn't a word.
KICK-BACKS . Such a Cali thing .
We know the dad’s reaction to the son’s use, so her paranoia of how they would react to her smoking again after being sober for a month is a bit logical on her part. Her fear of her family makes sense because of it. Plus I always look at words and terminology used by people. The step mom’s terminology was very interesting and condescending in a way. I’ll be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised if her family did know where she was. Plus if those panties were found so quickly in an area that was already searched near a last seen spot 3 months after she went missing. I think the last tip could be more plausible than the underwear tip.
Time stamps ho
If nothing else, someone should have been AWAKE with here the entire time. Extremely sad case.
The fact that she didn’t feel safe around her family is a red flag..
Love Annie Elise so much, she's by far my favorite true crime podcaster and YouTuber, I just love how she brings the stories to life and put focus on the victims
This poor girl must have died in the home and the step mom and dad did something with her… she didn’t just vanish into thin air
I don’t understand how helicopters found nothing.. but yet there is blood near by? Did she come back ?
So why not just take her to the ER? wtf man
Very sad and heartbreaking for the family and beau.
Imagine if the mom would have chose her kids instead of the lifestyle she wanted, her daughter might still be around. She has nobody to blame but herself