She was selling a cure for cancer… and multiple people died

She was selling a cure for cancer… and multiple people died

Licensed physician and Pentecostal minister Christine Daniel used the power of the pulpit and the authority of her medical license to bankrupt terminally ill cancer patients.

Christine Daniel was convicted of preying on dying cancer patients by telling them she had a “miracle” cure and charging them thousands of dollars.


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23 thoughts on “She was selling a cure for cancer… and multiple people died

  1. Es gibt immernoch Menschen die mit der Not der Menschen ein Geschäft machen. Auch im Namen unseres Schöpfers. Man sollte sich mit alternativen beschäftigen. Das, was hier verkauft wurde war Gift…das heißt nicht, daß die Gott gegeben Alternativen nicht wirken. Wenn etwas was kostenlos gegeben ist…so teuer verkauft wird… müssen die Alarmglocken läuten.
    Die Spur ist immer das Geld…wer macht Profit

  2. must say that I have enormous respect for
    you Dr kanayo
    Peterson considering the manner in which my wife receive her
    complete treatment for
    HIV infection, thanks for coming to my rescue sir.

  3. You hope TBN wasn't aware of this falsehood perpetrated on desperate people. People please don't trust someone just because they say they're a Christian. If she truly had a cure she wouldn't be sitting on TV telling us. So sorry for the family's that followed this false teacher, doctor in place of regular medicine and then additional "prayers" as insurance. She deserved life in prison.

  4. She's a scammer and a liar… this just goes to show that people who speak of the word of God should never be revered as good people. This woman didn't care about these people – she wanted money.

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