Shocking Cruise Ship Crimes – Crime Watch Daily

Shocking Cruise Ship Crimes  – Crime Watch Daily

Investigating missing persons on cruise ships can be a difficult task. Matt Doran reports.

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33 thoughts on “Shocking Cruise Ship Crimes – Crime Watch Daily

  1. People don't vanish into thin air. I believe foul play had something to do with people disappearing while on board cruise ships. I think the police should do a thorough inspection on the cruise ship, like looking for secret doors and passages where you can hide a body. Cruise ship employees always say the same thing when a person goes missing "That person must have fallen overboard off of a cruise ship end of story"

  2. She didn't tell her parents she was going on a cruise, that's a bit odd I know she was an adult but just to inform someone on where you are.
    I established check in times with my mom when either of us cruise and we stick to our times, no problems so far! 🤞🤞

  3. Most of these cases involve young women who have been drinking. They hire international people crew members that know they can get away with rape and murder. Even the case with the young married couple who went missing or one of them went missing couldn’t be tried because the international laws are so messed up. But money talks cruise ships need to be held financially responsible then it might change.

  4. Iv almost fallen off a cruise 🚢 ship and I mean I slid becuase there was water on the deck and violently threw me to the ledge I almost died but I had some guy grab a hold of some rope and then he grabbed me it was a close call and no one else even noticed inside the ship I went out to look for my friend and thought they were smoking 🚬 when not supposed too but I tossed me on a stormy night on the way to Jamaica on the Triumph. It was dark and kinda rainy and I’ll tell you easily you can go overboard and no one will notice .. you can disappear and it’s facts so scary

  5. I’ve been on 6 cruises and the few things that scares me the most is falling overboard, the boat will drown.
    Dropping my phone into the ocean or anything that is big deal to me. I never try to think of that and just try to have fun.

  6. Can’t understand why anyone would want to go get on a giant boat with like thousands of people, the goal is to be on the beach looking out not looking at the beach from the ocean…

  7. What I don’t get is why cruise ships and ferries don’t have a contingent of British Transport Police on board. They already patrol London Underground, Docklands Light Railway, Newcastle Metro, British Rail, so why not on Cunard, P&O or Stena Line ferries?

  8. One thing I never understood is how they just unload and pick up 1000s of new passengers before fully investigating. Like that ship is potentially a crime scene and you have 1000s of people contaminating it. Probably just how they're like it. I so heard they don't even disclose to the current or next passengers that something took place. I would want to know as a customer

  9. This is the reason I have decided not to ever go on a cruise despite always having wanting to. I'm so glad that I hadn't gone all the times I looked into it before finding out how common sudden disappearances or deaths with little to no answers or even straight cover-ups. I know not all are bad. My father went on 3-4 cruises and had a great time every time. But having 5 kids, my husband and I just can't risk it.

  10. hi I think that all cruise ships should have law enforcement on them. so if anything happens. they can act quickly. the cruise industry should take responsibility to the safety of the passengers on the cruise ship. and to find out what happened. I hope they have CCTV cameras on them. so they can find out how the passengers dissapeared. there are also risks on the sea. and there Security should be of a high standard. so this can be avoided next time this happens.

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