A man runs at an officer in an attempt to get shot but instead gets tased. Also, two brothers get in a huge brawl over a pair of sandals.
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What town in Indiana
6:10 bro is confusing data with wifi.
Criminals project their power over the weak. And they are afraid of the police
@ 5:14 – I'm not sure what happened here, was this a traffic stop? Parked in front of a residence on a public street isn't illegal.
These identity thieves and thieves in general really rub me the wrong way.
I have an active dislike for people that are too lazy to earn their own money.
Criminals are such pathetic liars.
Please do it! It will save us tax payers some money.
That bronco is mint!
This must be a really old video, because police officers are still driving Crown Vics. Crown Vics have been retired from police departments a long time ago.
Owns his own business yet can’t afford to pay for his own Wi-Fi freaking cockroach and has a record for grand larceny but tried to argue his business is legit 😂
Those road sticks work sometimes. With our resources we could do much better. If we only don’t donate money to Ukraine and illegal immigrants we would and could do much much more and better.
Wow, to think the police took his life in his hands with that spike belt.
So let the junkie go 🤔…hmm so he couldn't possibly be involved.
Bruh that spike strip snag was textbook until the camera turned around, and it was going against the grain of oncoming traffic 🤣🤣 This is why big cities need helicopters so they can just let the guy either do his thing until he either runs out of gas or starts leaving the city before the really chase him 🤣🤣
This video was uploaded yesterday
Y didn’t you cover the corner of the gas station 🤭🤭eight Leo cars y’all tripping
Your title & pic doesn't match the video I played!!!!
4:42on a
retrouve Chuck Norris !!
He's doing business alright 5:29
That old 80's Honda Accord still had some legs.
Personally I hope the scumbag never gets out of jail.
2023, you'd think we'd have a more sophisticated and reliable means of stopping a moving vehicle than "pointy stick with a string attached."