Shopaholic Murderer ‘Welcomes’ Death Penalty After Killing Family Members – Crime Watch Daily

Shopaholic Murderer ‘Welcomes’ Death Penalty After Killing Family Members – Crime Watch Daily

An update on the Oklahoma man who says he deserved the death penalty after killing his mother, father and sister.

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48 thoughts on “Shopaholic Murderer ‘Welcomes’ Death Penalty After Killing Family Members – Crime Watch Daily

  1. "They spoiled him so they killed him. It's their fault."

    Imagine being this fucking stupid. Stop pretending like that's why he did it. If that were the case we would have thousands of kids murdering their parents a day.

    Yall reminding me why I don't fw morons.

  2. So many stupid comments here. Full of people jealous because their parents are not rich. You must be happy in case you got loving parents. That is the problem in this world, you think that good parents are parents with money when good parents are parents who respect you. You know nothing about his story. My parents have money and they abused me a lot mentally. I w s jealous of my friends because their parents would love them whatever they did. Maybe you are the spoiled brats. Got loving parents and still find time to judge others. You don’t know about what he went through.
    If you search more you would find out that lots of kids in wealthy families ended up killing their parents.
    Sometimes you just grow up inna toxic atmosphere where because your parents have money they think that they always right and they cà do whatever they want to you.
    I am glad you all fantasize about rich people. You should be ashamed of putting money before love.

  3. Why do people think they can kill someone and get their money? I’ve heard stories of lottery ticket winners being murdered by random strangers but how does the stranger expect to get a hold of the money?

  4. Seems like parents spoiled him way too long..and they may have ignored some mental health issues. I’m not justifying what he did, however, how much attention did these parents give him? Did they always buy whatever he wanted and give him money instead of love and attention? I think he belongs behind bars..but I also think he wasn’t raised right.

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