Two giant barrels found – each containing something more gruesome than the next. With the help of breakthrough technology, this case could finally be solved. Billy Jensen has the story.
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Two giant barrels found – each containing something more gruesome than the next. With the help of breakthrough technology, this case could finally be solved. Billy Jensen has the story.
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R.i.P. all four what a horrible tragedy so sad. I pray for this case to have the murderer caught and closure to this case.
Nothing hurts me harder than pain inflicted on our precious babies.
Albeit little baby girls.
I just can't.
Solved except for one victim.
I hate watching bad ending

Genogology to find the family
Just going to say- all art does have a purpose this purpose is just different
Reminds me of that movie (I believe was based on a real case) of that megen and her friend
What do you believe happend ? I believe unfortunately 4 people were killed and hid on the woods …
Yeah no shit we established that already
Many years later and I don’t think they family has came forward
This is so weird that no family is missing these beautiful souls. I think the family is from another state. Maybe put this out on FB, Twitter, Instagram, news, or something. Somebody is missing these four people.
Why aren’t they doing one of those genealogy searches?
Smh hate unsolved cases
What about school records…
Great job… heroes bringing closure, justice to families, and possible the arrest and conviction of the perpetrator(s)..
I some what know how it feels to need answers to questions you don’t have my mom died in 2006 from cancer I’ve been searching for her side of the family for years still can’t find anything like she does not exist can’t find a mom or dad or any family members it’s hard
Mid 20's with a 10 year old? Most likely an abused girl who had babies with her abuser? Maybe a family member or one of those sex offenders that lived in the trailer park? Gasping at straws but this is heartbreaking that nobody knows who they are which means they weren't reported missing

Someone out to see what the mother would have looked like when she was younger, she could have been taken from a young age
RIP Marlyse Elizabeth Honeychurch and her daughters ! Say the victims name not the perp.
How horrible
So sad. I'm glad they found out who did it finally and hes dead. The other child was the killer's daughter. Wonder where her mother is why she wasnt reported. Sad sad case.
Have they checked with 23 and me or any other dna site?
Goodness! Mid20's mom of a ten yr old. Unusual situation perhaps. Then whole family dead, except Daddio. Hmmmmm. Babysitting a relative perhaps. How awful.
my opinion she probably was kidnap as a young teen held captive who ever did it raped her she got 2 kids and the other child is maybe a child from another victim the kidnapper did the same to and made the women take care of the young child or she maybe was kidnap with her kids and their friend who was over but if a friend why didn't family or whoever tried finding tricky part
Sickos in this world is unbelievable
جزاكم الله خيرا
آللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين
لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير
لا اله الا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين
سبحان آلله و الحمد لله و لا اله الا الله وآلله اكبر و لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم
سبحان آلله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم
الله يرحمهم و يغفر لهم و يسكنهم الفردوس الأعلى من الجنة بفضل الله و رحمته و مغفرته و جوده و كرمه سبحانه وتعالى
These stories realized me that we humans are so horrific and evil that even devils and satans in hell feel ashamed of us.
Everything on earth happening right now is for a reason.
They identified 3 out of 4 of them… they believe the suspect was this guy Terry Rasmussen.
Every mass murder or serial killer video:
“This sorta thing just never happens in small towns.”
We have genetic matching now… why can’t they find out who this family is ?
I live in California.
I find all the dry debris on the property threatening .
They need to clean it up before a fire ensues
That lady is awesome for investigating and figuring out as much as she did…a lil butchy…but she still brave
It has taken too long for anyone to come forward and identify theses victims. That tells me that it is highly likely that the mother was abducted at a young age, and that is why no one can identify her through the facial technology. They would have no clue what she looked like via a virtual photo as an adult. She was probably forced to have children, another was abducted and she was forced to take care of that one as well. Much like the Fritzl case, where the father kept his own daughter locked in a dungeon he built underground near his home for years.
What if the kid who did not have dna of the mom was adopted
When lowlifes get out of prison, they continue destroying the lives of others!!! We need the death penalty!!!!!
I think a man ubducted the woman as a kid made her pregnant two times and then inducted the other child
And how do they not know a woman did this
This is going to be another boy in the Box mystery he never got his name nobody ever claimed his body they don't even know how he died this is going to be the same thing and the boy in the box case is still open and it's been over 50 years well I'm sure it's been longer
Why don't they run the DNA through the DNA data banks