‘Smirky, Weird Grinning’: Convicted Killer Taylor Schabusiness is a ‘Psychotic Person,’ Expert Says

‘Smirky, Weird Grinning’: Convicted Killer Taylor Schabusiness is a ‘Psychotic Person,’ Expert Says

Forensic Psychologist Dr. Diane Lytton believes convicted killer Taylor Schabusiness is “psychotic” and a she is not responsible for the murder of her lover, Shad Thyrion, because of the mental disease she had — and still has — at the time of the crime. “She has been described as smirky — weird grinning — when she’s talking about the crimes,” Lytton explained. “Based on my experience and training, that’s a psychotic person right there.”

#TaylorSchabusiness #ShadThyrion #LawAndCrime

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47 thoughts on “‘Smirky, Weird Grinning’: Convicted Killer Taylor Schabusiness is a ‘Psychotic Person,’ Expert Says

  1. I get the impression from looking at her facial expressions that aside clearly a mad psychopath I get the impression is not very bright she looks confused and blank most of the time I don’t know what it is about her expression that makes me think this but it’s as if she’s so lacking in intelligence and social skills that she doesn’t know how to respond so does whack stuff out of frustration and confusion over not knowing the appropriate way to respond

  2. 🆘️Seek truth… The spiritual realm is real, Evil Spirits EXISTS and Humanity need to wake up for Reality… instead recognizing as new sickness and tons of medications , therapy etc that wont treat DEMONIC Issues!
    This people needs deliverance Help!
    I Testify this truth by my own life, before and after!

  3. "Nahh, uh uh. not me. Nuh uh. Based on my experience and training.. that's a Psychotic Person right there." – Dang, she's not just accurate but blunt af. LOVE IT!

  4. Its very strange that a medical doctor would describe her demeanor as "wierd". Not very professional term in my opinion. In layman terms, I'd describe the doctor as wierd.

  5. There's a difference between insane(psychotic) & criminally insane, she knew what she was doing & that it was wrong, by her actions/statements afterward, so yes she is insane, but NOT criminally insane, so that cannot be used as an excuse.

  6. I think it's insane that people who are mental health clinicians get to armchair diagnose this lady and say she knew right from wrong, even though an actual professional says she didn't. It's not giving her a pass for killing this man, it's putting her in an appropriate place to treat her condition while keeping her away from society. Also, her mental disease isn't like a cold, it isn't going away. I believe the doctor and I think this verdict is a disservice to society.

  7. Hate when lawyers try to trick the justice system. Yes, everybody has the right to a fair trial, but they don't have the right to manipulate the justice system and help criminals escape justice.

  8. She's an unwell woman – I don't know why people think going to a Mental institution is some walk in the park. These forensic institutions are exactly like jails, but there is an acknowledgement and treatment of their illness. Taylor is not well

  9. I believe this "psychologist" has a mental dysfunction; to be able to, straight faced, tell the jury that she isn't responsible for her actions.

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