Stalked by a Cop: Ex-Sergeant Pleads Guilty to Assaulting Ohio Woman – Pt. 3 – Crime Watch Daily

Stalked by a Cop: Ex-Sergeant Pleads Guilty to Assaulting Ohio Woman – Pt. 3 – Crime Watch Daily

A decorated police sergeant with 20 years of service appeared to be the model officer of the law. But Sgt. Eric Paull was hiding dark secrets. Michelle Sigona reports.

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43 thoughts on “Stalked by a Cop: Ex-Sergeant Pleads Guilty to Assaulting Ohio Woman – Pt. 3 – Crime Watch Daily

  1. So u wife divorces you- with reason probably.. and u want to make hell of someone else's life because of it! I would have either beat the crap out of u..or death? You wrr divorcing for a reason!

  2. sorry but what i'm trying to figure out, wtf did she even see in him first off… the fact he was married, was her teacher and a police officer…. why are women so stupid…you are a mother, not saying you can't date but i personally would not have no male around my child that is not the father, family friend or family…. even then i don't trust family like that.

  3. That man's statement about the accusations were outrageous and hard to believe. Police are human beings, imperfect and coming from different backgrounds. How ridiculous is it to find any person behaving in a horrible manner because I refuse that mental health forces people to do bad things towards others, it's not possession of the body and I'm tired of people using that excuse for dangerous behavior.

  4. Why in the hell would anybody want to come to a country that is that far gone. You've got to respect an Americans love for god, guns, and personal freedom. The freedom to camp on your front lawn, the freedom to shop at Target and Walmart with no money, and just general American freedom. So what are you guys going to do with all your freedom now, you're free to have a revolution if you would like. What a stinking cesspool.

  5. A bit like this hospital and my doctor avoiding and desperately ignoring my census document evidence. They don't even want me to talk about.

    Avoiding evidence that confirms I am telling the truth and REALITY and there is therefore NOTHING wrong with me.

    That can't hold me and poison me without cause forever.

  6. How can other police ignore a crazy violent colleague just because they are buddies? How can they look at themselves in the mirror when they refuse to protect his victims. This is appalling, they should all be sacked. They knew how sick he was,and they didn’t care. WTF.

  7. "it's hard to believe one who sworn to protect citizens would do this" is not an excuse to make this woman go through the tormenting from that cop. you swore to protect citizens too, where your take on this role? you rather let your little buddy cop endanger the safety of those women than get over your "disbelief" ? shame on akron cops.

  8. I hope she filed charges against that police department!
    How the hell is it so hard to believe ( the statement of the detective ) when you literally have this woman & her friend begging for their help!
    Total bs…🤬🤬!!!!

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