‘Still in Shock’: Letecia Stauch’s Daughter Stunned About Mom’s Involvement in Gannon’s Murder

‘Still in Shock’: Letecia Stauch’s Daughter Stunned About Mom’s Involvement in Gannon’s Murder

During her testimony in court Monday, Harley Hunt, the daughter of Letecia Stauch, said she is still in shock about her mother’s arrest and involvement in her stepbrother’s murder. Stauch is accused of killing her stepson, Gannon Stauch, and dumping his body in a suitcase in Florida. “I defended her for years,” Hunt cried.

#LeteciaStauch #GannonStauch #LawAndCrime

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28 thoughts on “‘Still in Shock’: Letecia Stauch’s Daughter Stunned About Mom’s Involvement in Gannon’s Murder

  1. Forget about your step dad, he's a cheater.
    He was going anyway. He'll be taking care of a new woman.
    She's only realizing about her mother now? She must have been in denial. Oh, please. She knew that suitcase was heavy. She knew something was going on. Did she bother to look in the suitcase? NO… Whoever saw that suitcase. They knew what was in there.

  2. For a 20 year old she seems very immature. There were A LOT of times she said , " I don't know." It seemed like she was still protecting her Mother. How could she not recognize that Gannon was treated differently?

  3. i feel bad about how critical i was at first about harley hunt. i made a few comments on youtube initially that i regret. my opinions about harley have changed and softened towards her and it wont matter to anyone in particular except maybe to her if she happened to see my wrong and unkind comments, and it matters to me that i acknowledge and apologize to harley. harley hunt i am sorry that i judged you and said unkind words, i honestly feel very bad that i was unkind and i was wrong. i do wish you well and i deeply feel sorry for everything, including your loss. i think about this case i think about Gannon and Al and elena and landon especially. and as time has passed i now think about harley. i pray for our society to figure out what is wrong with our women. how there are more and more cases of women murdering children is a red flag to me it isnt "normal" that so many children are murdered period but especially by women. tragic

  4. Harley, she is not your mom, she is a Satan decipal an evil monster that is comanded by her master (Satan) to do his dirty work, the next time you see yiur mom is laying in a prison box.

  5. Wait. Wasn’t the daughter with the mom on the cross country road trip to Florida where Gannons body was dumped??? How did she not know his body was in the car and why mom was pulling off to the side of the road and throwing out a suspiciously heavy suitcase. 🤔🤔🤔

  6. Disgusting… no real mother would Ever treat her children in such a way that would cause any harm or heartache!!!!! The manipulation is gross and the consummate victim never flinched because she could careless!!!!! She never should have been capable of giving birth nor being anyones step mom!!!! Rip Gannon

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