Crime Watch Daily travels to the vacation paradise of San Diego, where the dark underground world of child sex-trafficking is thriving.
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Crime Watch Daily travels to the vacation paradise of San Diego, where the dark underground world of child sex-trafficking is thriving.
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This is heartbreaking and stomach churning!

Billion dollar industry full of perverted reprobates! Ugh!!!
My heart was shattered by these stories
My mom was kidnapped in San Diego by organized global criminals 1983-84 was set up for sale to some rich overseas freak. First time she tried to escape they found out and beat her, second time, she got into a vehicle but was raped and almost murdered(from the fire into the frying pan) she ran in between perps a cop saw her running took her to hospital, and the cops involved told global criminals where she was and was forced back into trap, Third time she slipped out and a military officer helped by contacting my grandfather who is also military, they arranged a safe overnight hiding and with undercover military spooks was put on an airplane to her fathers safe keeping. She still can’t remember it all, time and places are lost, saw them take other girls, saw others buried, even though she was a mess the buried trauma didn’t rear its head until six years later. Diagnosed with CPTSD, She still sees a professional, is still medicated and has horrible nightmares. It just never went away. My brother &I have seen her go through three f*ckedUp relationships including one with our own dad, but she doesn’t see straight. Sad.
This is horrible now imagine your mother put you in this life, she got payment for me and then I was groomed for whatever was needed or wanted, I've been branded and drugged, raped and beaten so the people who are fighting this day in and day out are amazing!!
john needa relax
Over 50 men in two days? You poor thing. I can not imagine. Those men are fucking disgusting. Another reason why I am staying single
I wonder if that was her bio father, or was she kidnapped as a baby.
Damn…… it’s a bad day/time to be named John….(tsk…..tsk…..tsk…)
Junk of a guy. He aint no man and for sure no tittle of a father. I hope this girl finds a great guy and has a beautiful family/future.
Thank you
This has got to stop
Dis is so sad

If u see a child for anything other then a child you should be SHOT!!
Man, if I had the choice to find every sick and perverted person out there, I wouldn’t even hesitate
Laws need to change NOW. She should be able to file charges & have her dad prosecuted. She should still be allowed justice.
The officer's embrace was one of real love. Protective fatherly care that saves. That is why she let him, why she felt she could. In that moment he became the father she never had.
I am deeply hurt that anyone would traffick a 5 year old girl, this young woman's story breaks my heart. I have a 5 year old child and there is no justification for this kind of evil. I really wish I could save these girls. I will find a way.
Over 50 men in 2 days that's sad to hear her daddy is sick he deserves to be in jail.. I just wanna give these young ladies a big hug
When that will stop? It's horrible…
How was her father not charged? This poor girl. My heart is hurting. Im hurting for her. Over 50 men within two days…. 50. I’m crying. I want to hug her. Those 50 men ruined her. If you have ever paid for sex you are a monster.
50 times in 2 days means someone had to had double teamed her or she lying
What a blessing the hotel called the police and that officer knocked on the door as an answer to her prayers.
I’m not crying you’re crying.
I’m not crying you’re crying.
I’m so sorry this happened to these young ladies. Please God intervene. Shut it down
Wow man
Man this pisses me off how can people do this glad that crime watch daily helps us learn to watch out of people like this
DAMN her own father put her on the street and ha dmen rape his daughter
sick monster! all these monsters both MEN + WOMEN have no place in our society we need to get rid of them
Omg I like cant watch this without just bursting in tears omg

Why do the girls get charged and the guys get like 4 years like this just shows even more that our justice system has became bat shit crazy and now they are just letting this out of hand. FIVE YEARS OLD at that time I would be safe at home watching TV and she is being prostitute. What type of dad sets this shit up for a kid?!?!?
Holy shit this is in MY OWN neighborhood omg omg omgggg
Living in SD now. I am literally sickened and ashamed to be here. I cannot. This makes me throw up.
Poor girl, all pedophiles should be banned, screw legalization of pedophilia sick bastards.
“Slept with” -they keep saying that it’s so upsetting because it’s actually called rape, however you want to make the situation look like.
Good man that cop was.
Pigs! Death Penalty!!!!!
Oh my goodness this young black queen has me in tears. I'm so glad she survived this. Prayers for your long recovery darling

Who else thought that they were arresting people called john 0:18
If you are caught being a pimp are forcing a woman to sell herself you should be subject to the death penalty depending on your crime
This report is biased and NOT based on reality. No one, but shows like this call our customers Johns although I just had 3 guys named John as a fluke. Most of my guys are named Tom or Mike. Or Rick. These arrests are because of a Sex Trafficking Law named SESTA that Trump signed in and is capturing everyone-Not Traffickers. Teens do not need to be kidnapped. They beat down our doors for Sex Work and we TURN THEM DOWN. Most teens do cam shows on their phones and then meet the guys they chat with. Few guys want teens. Most search for Mothers and Stepmothers.
All 3 of my guys on Tuesday were nice and lonely. One was nearly 70 & just wanted to watch grappling vids, one, was retired and alone with his adult child with disabilities. We will get together next week when his adult son in another town. can watch his brother who needs 24/7 care for a seizure disorder. My last guy was in his 40's and is a restaurant manager who is in-between women. He has been dating a single mom–no sex yet.
Most Sex Workers are between 30-60. Leave me alone-I have a son I am putting through grad school. Legalize & Tax Prostitution. Provide Group Homes for Teens on the street. Provide free meals for the homeless so teens do not have to barter their bodies in order to eat. Stop adopting foreign babies and get some kids in your neighborhood. Plenty of kids right here.
Genonna’s daddy should have his private part cut off, sicko i hope Karma has knocked oh his door!! To all the sick MF,s who do this too these little girls i hope they suffer a slow death!!
Looks like I’m not going outside for a awhile
This is so heart breaking!!! I cannot take this sick shit going on in this world. I have an almost 14 year old daughter and this makes me sick to my stomach.
What a disgusting system. Pimps and customers should be the ones arrested. Arresting prostitutes is another abuse by the system.
Damn shits sad
In 2014 73% of people arrested are males. Now that should tell ya something.