‘Super Madam to the Stars’: ‘Babydol’ Gibson

‘Super Madam to the Stars’: ‘Babydol’ Gibson

Hollywood “Supermadam” Jody “Babydol” Gibson tells Crime Watch Daily about her infamous “black book.”


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27 thoughts on “‘Super Madam to the Stars’: ‘Babydol’ Gibson

  1. "I wasn't selling sex"… Ummmm… Yes, ma'am. Yes, you were. I don't have any problem with it really, because the girls were adults, the clients were adults, no one forced anyone. But let's be real. You were selling sex.

  2. Wow crime watch daily..your condoning this?. She should not be getting tv time after pimping women…all that "selling fantasys" BULLSHIT. Tf thay even mean. Break the law and become a star now

  3. personally i feel prostitution should be legal and if an ADULT chooses to participate and isnt coerced into being one, having a madam is actually quite smart because they make sure bad guys dont abuse them etc. this is why the whore houses in nevada that are legit and long term stay functional. same idea. i think its a harmless crime when its done like this except for the married men WHO its their fault for cheating.

  4. U deserve to get your face kicked in… this was NOT an honest living lady… u claim u r all about "THE TRUTH THE TRUTH" Well, how many wives did u tell the truth to about what they're husbands were doing??? .. eh hemm home wrecker

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