Surprise Ending To An Unusual Police Encounter – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Audit the Audit 2:

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Welcome to Audit the Audit, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing.

This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.

This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.

Original video:

Real World Police’s channel:


FBI resources-

UNC School of Government-

Anti-Defamation League-

Michigan Vehicle Code §257.225-

Michigan Vehicle Code §257.311-

UCC §1-308-


Kent v. Dulles-

Hendrick v. Maryland-


37 thoughts on “Surprise Ending To An Unusual Police Encounter”
  1. "Sovereign Citizen" is what someone that has zero actual and true information about the movement calls it. "Sovereign Citizen" itself is an oxymoron. You can either be operating as a sovereign or a citizen at any single time, not both.

  2. 1913, during the meeting on Jeckle Island where Federal Reserve Bank was consolidated. In the incorporation of the United States of America filed in Florida the documents declared that citizens are defacto employees and owe a duty by payment to the corporation as the Debtor for the Corporation.

  3. Most of what Audit said about SC is true. Its not a secret that the government is no longer what it was when created. The reason your ID, Birth cert., SSN is in all capital letters is because it is a corperation. Or strawman. It is not you the person, but you the corporation. When we got off the gold standard was after the fed reserve act or social securty act, but for the government to get loans, just like you must show income, which is the taxes collected from citizens. How were taxes colected before? Tariffs. You can turn in your citizenship and be a free citizen. It will complicate things like bank accounts, liqour purchaces, car or houseing and so on. It sucks but it is easier to comply with the corporation which is the United States, filed in D.C.

  4. As much as I can't stand how ridiculous sovereign citizens are, I sit here all day and complain about police going that shit crazy over simple civil infractions like this. So even though there's a part of me that wants to see the sovereign cities and get what he has coming to him, most of me just wants the cop to leave him alone the same way I want the cop to leave everybody alone unless they're actually committing real crimes

  5. usa was underr gods common law,not under maritime law/queen kings law UK in 1871,because of nonpayment of loans,gen albert pike 33 degrree mason bankrupted us for the king/UK now,you need to recheck your facts!the nazi FBI are the terrorist,look at ruby ridge n waco,i wont watch anymore audits,are you masoms,hm.

  6. They say you need a license and registration on a car. Yet they say the roadway is constitutionally protected the roadway is paid by the people. So why do we need permission to use what we owen. Why do we need dot to give us permission to use what we have established the DOT.?

  7. People please read all your amendment. This is America. You can't expect everyone to read and understand it the same way. For one we have the freedom of speech. We'll when you tell us we have freedom of speech that mean I can say what u want when I want where I want. But you ask the government they will say something else.

  8. Exercising your constitutionally recognized rights to travel, and as supported by US Supreme Court precedent does not make you a sovereign citizen. It makes you an intelligent, educated and well meaning citizen… you should educate yourself on what sovereign means, and what it does not mean, before you make yourself look like more of a uneducated conspiracy theorist… if one wants to argue this they should learn to read the law and understand the context and the definitions that are in the law and understand that at least in the 30 states that I have reviewed all of motor vehicle is under the states, transportation code, which is defined as commercial activity. That being said they’re not arguing that the state doesn’t have some ultimate ability to maybe legislate the fact, only that they have not done so to this point.

  9. These cops didn't listen to anything the women were saying. They are trapping the "nuisance cats, getting them neutered and finding homes for them. If the cats are left there to continue to procreate, the amount of cats on this property will increase drastically over a short period of time, whether someone is feeding them or not. I don't understand why after the first woman dropped the name of the animal control officer, why the cops continued to act in such an aggressive manner. I get if they were doing something wrong but they arrest them out of retaliation for not bowing down to their orders. F'n Tyrants!! When police illegally demand identification and charge people for frivolous, petty crimes, just out of hurt egos, it just adds to the growing distrust of law enforcement. There needs to be a complete reform of officer training on dealing with the general public to try to regain law enforcement support, respect and trust. This many officers responding to such a minor incident is an absolute waste of resources. Especially when "real" crime is increasing everywhere. SMH

  10. The cop says he stop several cars and didn't write any tickets. I view this as he has nothing to do and is going around bothering people. A traffic stop is stressful and even if you win in court you lose. You took time to prepare, probably didn't get paid for the day and if you get one of these crooked judges that view everybody as wrong.

  11. A gang that does not believe the laws pertain to them. I know a gang like that and thanks to qualified immunity many can get away with crimes ranging from theft all the way up to murder all while never missing a paycheck provided by hard working americans who will also be on the hook for any court cost and settlement payments as a result of their wrongdoing.

  12. So I have to pay stupid amounts of money and spend my personal time and effort getting an maintaining a license, insurance, registration, smog checks and a safe vehicle to drive, and this douche bag gets let off because the Officer is afraid or lazy? What a joke.

  13. Great officer but if even while being a good officer he would have wanted to issue a citation as is the law I'm pretty sure Mr Garner would have not been so nice and would not have resulted in a good interaction.

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