Daniel Holtzclaw, the ex-Oklahoma City police officer convicted of rape and other sex crimes after 13 African American women came forward with allegations that he abused them while on duty, was sentenced to 263 years in prison last month.
One of his victims, a 59-year-old grandmother named Jannie Ligons, was instrumental in bringing Holtzclaw’s abuse of power to a screeching halt when she made the brave decision to turn him in. Crime Watch Daily speaks with her and one of the jurors on the case.
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poor black women
What kind of stupid voice is that?
Yep, he served all right. He served penis.
Life in prison
This scumbag has a penis, therefore he is God's gift to women, in his sordid little mind. It's not a coincidence that his victims are all (lovely) black women. He chose a lower demagraphic, thinking that none of them would have the strength and courage to speak up. I'm of the mind that all these women are beautiful, lovely, strong, courageous, honest and definitely a much better human being than he will ever be. Power to you, ladies.
As a survivor of rape and trauma I didn't have the courage to come forward

He ain’t a rookie if he worked there for 3 years. Where the hell they did they find this lady
So many cops get away with things like this so it is great to see that this pig was brought to justice. Unfortunately the women's PTSD is a life sentence as well.
He actually might be innocent …. Crazy
That woman that came forward saved a lot of other women from being victims of this predator. He thought he would get away with it since they were black ladies. Thank goodness one woman was brave enough to open the door for the other victims to come forward.
As a retired CT teacher/administrator, I concur with others that Daniel Holtzclaw IS not a rapist and the accusers were bought out by those within his department who HATES him – PERIOD – those black stink weeds are NO MORE than that STINK RAG DOLLS rejected by PIMPS in PHILLY/NYC/BALTIMORE AND OKKIE STATE!
this is why he went to jail….cuz they're scared. wow the clip where they say "is there a reason why your penis would be out" and he said no….wtf? they didn't play the rest of that clip when he said it wasnt out. I dont like cops too much but I believe him
I am so glad they got him and he got time ! He was a monster !!
In this case there were inconsistencies and weak evidence just not that it was the word of women against one man and all these women were hand picked from past experiences these had with any police officer who they thought can quench thirst of the system to put an innocent man behind bars. I maybe wrong but I dont think that he did it period
Daniel's girlfriend wants to marry a predator. To vomit. For me he is a racist he considered it is woman like all whores.
Hes innocent
every lives matter
They are all black it was so easy
The cop the p.d department called all the accuses told them they will drop the warrants of they accuse him of rape!! That's why they did
The poor guy is innocent! Jeanie described a blond white man at first
I know people love to think all cops are evil, but once you see everything, not just the highlights of the prosecution, take away the ACAB bias – Jannie Ligons and Kim Davis are just straight up full of crap!!!

It is a mystery understood only by the American judiciary why a prison sentence may be considerably longer than 'Life'. Perhaps it means that if a prisoner dies after 30 years their corpse has to remain in the cell for a further 200 or so years? I'm sure they have a good reason for it, but I'd like to know what that is.
Sade, you don't say "His private is out", you say "His honky little Holtzclaw nozzle was standing to attention".
WHY just 13 of the 30 something filed why didn;t they charge him with all counts