Survivors Connected by Tragedy Empower Kids to Fight Predators – Pt. 1 – Crime Watch Daily

Survivors Connected by Tragedy Empower Kids to Fight Predators – Pt. 1 – Crime Watch Daily

Jennifer Asbenson was living in beautiful Palm Springs and dreamed of helping disabled kids. Then life took a dark turn, and she would never be the same.

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24 thoughts on “Survivors Connected by Tragedy Empower Kids to Fight Predators – Pt. 1 – Crime Watch Daily

  1. She so brave and strong not to mention very lucky. She got away because of herself her own strength. It’s still a long life of trauma and nightmares of what she went through. But she is alive today because she wouldn’t give up and she was brave. I wish her a beautiful life and hope she can find some peace.

  2. Who the fuck didn’t stop for her the first time!!! What the heck is wrong with you?! At least roll the window down and ask what is wrong! Thank goodness the truck driver was there!! Such a strong woman. You go! 💖💪🏼

  3. Stories like this freak me out. I'm in college on one of the safest campuses in the nation, and I feel like I've really taken for granted not being afraid of accepting rides from people I don't know (terrible idea, I know) and walking home alone at night. What a disgusting evil man.

  4. Simple: Don't be accepting rides from people you don't know. It is common sense. It does not matter if the person offering you the ride is nice, handsome,pretty and kind, don't accept.

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