Suspect indicted in Tupac’s shooting; Woman sentenced for man’s murder, dismemberment – TCD Sidebar – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of True Crime Daily The Sidebar Podcast: Angenette Levy joins host Joshua Ritter to break down the biggest cases making headlines across the nation. They discuss the recent arrest of a suspect in the shooting death of Tupac Shakur, an “obsessed” ex’s conviction for the murder of a Hollywood sex therapist, two teens charged with the hit-and-run death of a former police officer, and a woman’s life sentence following the murder and dismemberment of an intimate partner.

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34 thoughts on “Suspect indicted in Tupac’s shooting; Woman sentenced for man’s murder, dismemberment – TCD Sidebar”
  1. obama inspired all these racial hate murders of white people, like that white man who was run over on his bike. and bailey o'neill, and joshua chellew, and delbert belton, etc
    even though obama is out of office, his legacy of hate remains

  2. Say where is Taylor's Psychological assessment? The transcript of the full evaluation and diagnosis. I have no doubt she is mentally ill. She made those decisions consciously aware and exceptionally happy and proud to detail her gross brutality intensions, actions her emotional reponse to her crime. I remember hearing that she was found legally sane, but mentally undiagnosed during trial. Life without parole more than fair, no death row, capital punishment? No. Which makes me believe her trial was exceptionally rushed. She was not 100% treated by professionals before she sat before that judge. Life without parole right now is it safe option for her. If she goes to death row and prosecution is found guilty of flaws to their findings. She's acquitted she walks it's game over. Come on you cannot say this woman is in her right mind. It defines human comprehension just thinking that is even possible. But prison NO she needs to be in a mental facility. I don't know for a fact but wouldnt she be in super max gen pop?

    Honestly its all just my own opinon here anyway, but also my prediction about Taylor is give it some time and the facility in which she's housed is gonna have a dead body on their hands, worse more than one given enough time passed.

  3. recently I was challenged by an American who commented on one of my comments in another post (he stated that the US is the greatest, richest, most free country, etc in the world) to prove him wrong as he also stated that only in the US is pure freedom and 'the American dream" (and all that other US patriotic bullshit). Well, let's see: 1. The US is bankrupt with over 33 TRILLION dollars in debt which makes this +/- 100K debt per capita! This amount is rising with millions on a daily base with all their wars and spending on their foreign policies alone, so good luck with that!! 2. Violence is sky-high with over 48.830 gun related killings on a yearly base and rising + over 8.500 killings by other means making a total of over 57: killings/murders/etc a year, that means +/- 156 killings a day or 7 killings each hour! Can't call it a really safe country can you?! 3. There are on average +/- 1.8 million people incarcerated in jail/prison at this moment and if we judge a society by these 3 points alone….it is a fact that the US is The worst country in the world! 4. more then 582K homeless people and rising fast (I visited Las Vegas recently and ended up in the outskirts of the city and was appalled by the sheer numbers of homeless people seemingly walking around as 'zombies' since the fentanyl and other drug related addictions are affecting people faster then water after a tsunami)!! The south is filled with rednecks armed till the teeth and a growing divide is closing in on a disaster waiting to happen. And then the 2 party system, well how can you call that a real democracy? Let's not even mention Joe Biden because that is pure elderly abuse!! In short: The US is NOT the greatest, richest, purest country with the only real freedom but a pure shithole that is imploding on itself!! (Did not even mention: messed up healthcare, highest divide between black and white or poor and rich, terrible state your infrastructure is in and many other issues)! And just to be sure, there are over 180 countries in this world that have democracies and real freedom as well, Americans just don't care to learn!! *Sources: CDC, FBI, Statistic research forums, PPI, central US justice system,, US treasury site, etc so look it up for yourself!! Greetings from A European living in Asia!!

  4. Pretty sure it’s lack of parenting. My son and wife is allowing their two year old to choose what she wears and it doesn’t matter if it’s a sweater in 100 degrees weather or boots to the beach. If a child didn’t need parents they could truly be found in a cabbage patch. Children NEED to be taught, trained, in what is and is not appropriate. That 100 degrees in a sweater will overheat the child and make her crankier than normal. It’s totally pathetic to teach like “8 passengers” and expect positive outcomes

  5. I was just talking to my 15 year old grandson about Tupac .
    In my opinion he had No hope of leaving the Thug life it was in his DNA!!
    Just have to look at his family!!
    1st rule of being a parent or any care giver is Do Not Fk up your Kids!!
    Still listening to his music many years later!
    Stay safe stay fabulous Leeds England

  6. I'm glad they are finally prosecuting Tupac's murderer.
    And I've said this from day 1, Knight withheld pertinent information from day 1, lock him up too as an accessory to murder in the 1st degree.
    As for the case of Drew Carey's fiancé.
    According to Dr G. Medical Examiner, a toxicology report would NOT return with a finding of Nicotine. It only searches for a few very well known substances that are often found in murder cases. Even in a 2nd testing you have to literally have a strong suspicion of what that toxic substance was & specifically have a test run for it.

  7. She not on the right meds or not on any medication for her mental health. She shouldn't of been in court she not safe too be or able handle that. She wouldn't be able to turn around her life even with all meds in world. CT scan her brain be good. Needs be looked up for life…. Awful nasty nut case. She can't be cured

  8. Why are so many so anxious to lock up 16 year olds for life? Yes it’s terrible, yes it’s repugnant, yes he deserves to be punished. Their brains aren’t fully developed, SHE SAYS THIS. I don’t know wtf should happen, but a good start would be to punish the parents as well.

  9. Probably nicotine is legal whereas others drugs are not . Years ago , I foolishly placed a nicotine patch against my tongue, momentarily and for hours afterwards had to lie on the floor, feeling terrified I was going to die , (like a prolonged panic attack) accompanied by cold sweats and finally, as I realised I was going to survive, a tremendous feeling of euphoria. 🤢

  10. I was always taught to never ride your bike on the street unless you’re in a small neighborhood without sidewalks. And then, always ride your bike in the opposite direction of traffic. What they did was terrible, regardless.

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