Tased To Death in Parking Lot | PROACTIVE Cops – Everything Law and Order Blog

Nobody had reported a crime. Rather, the officers were allegedly engaged in what they called “proactive patrols” of business parking lots in a location they claim “has a history of repeat calls for service for drugs, weapons, and other criminal violations.”

Details: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2023/02/14/tased-to-death-for-sitting-in-parking-lot-no-crime-reported/

Officer #1 Bodycam Raw Footage: https://youtu.be/levhpoddAgk
Officer #2 Bodycam Raw Footage: https://youtu.be/x34QLGmF5Fs
Officer #3 Bodycam Raw Footage: https://youtu.be/16omJ98bkd4
Officer #4 Bodycam Raw Footage: https://youtu.be/D5plUUyG6-M
Officer #5 Dashcam Raw Footage: https://youtu.be/SgChSou86rA

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NOTE: We don’t condone threats or violence of any kind. If you are upset or outraged by acts of government misconduct featured in this video, we encourage you to utilize lawful means of expression, including becoming involved in the political process, as well as seeking accountability through the judicial system.

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46 thoughts on “Tased To Death in Parking Lot | PROACTIVE Cops”
  1. Many of you have made a great point that I ignored. Even assuming there was valid RS, they went immediately into a Terry Frisk without information indicating the suspect was armed and dangerous. We know why of course…

  2. But the man wasn't subject to arrest before the cops started digging in his pockets. He was illegally searched, which means anything possibly found in his pockets cannot be used against him. Fruit from a poisonous tree.

  3. How those these cops sleep at night when they kill someone for nothing do they get a high on killing peoples these cops need be check out something wrong with them police report and the video don’t match is video lying or they lying

  4. Due to this illegal detainment I believe a case of murder could be made as the officers from the beginning had only the apprehension and brutalisation of these persons in there minds as clear from the first order and forceful renching open of the door with out prior R A S

  5. Why so many people were arrested before 1993 when taser came out they do some good but body cam don't make it make sense i don't want to go to hell with them maggots

  6. If any cops are watching this you should know right now that while i'll calmly and peacefully submit to arrest i will NEVER get on the ground for a cop.. or anyone else for that matter!

  7. What reason do they have to be frisking then searching that man? He wasnt acting violent and wasnt giving any reason for anyone to have suspicion that he had weapons on him. This is a terry stop because the cops think these people are doing something wrong because they are sitting in a car in a parking lot for a frisk in a terry stop case they have to have a reasonable belief that the cops safety or the safety of others is at risk or a reasonable suspicion the person is armed. If either of those criteria are met then they may frisk/pat down someone to see if they have weapons. Niether of those apply here, no one would be given the impression that this man is dangerous or in possession of any weapon/s based on his behavior of simply questioning what is happening andmwhy the cop is ordering him out ofmthe car unless they are racially profiling him and think just because he is black and not submitting immediately he must be dangerous and/or armed. And they didn't do a pat down they immediately ordered him to put his hands on the car then stuck their hands in his pocket, did not pat his pocket, while one cop questions him and another cop batks orders at him and threatens to put him in cuffs.

  8. How does do the cops see all that so fast for some reason I find that doubtful. If the cops wouldn't just trying to round up drug charges they could've just knocked on the door and say move on

  9. My objection is that the cop’s authority is based on observation and opinions in his mind, that he doesn’t have to share with the subject. So, the subject has no way of knowing what hus rights are, or what is a lawful command and what is a request.

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