TCN Live: D.A. says Menendez Brothers ‘paid their debt to society’ and should be released

TCN Live: D.A. says Menendez Brothers ‘paid their debt to society’ and should be released

“True Crime News” host Ana Garcia discusses the breaking news that Erik and Lyle Menendez were recommended for resentencing.


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40 thoughts on “TCN Live: D.A. says Menendez Brothers ‘paid their debt to society’ and should be released

  1. I think many of us support them. I’m from LA. I followed the case I’m in my 60s and there wasn’t understanding in the early days for sexual abuse that occurs between father and son. This was a horrible case, and there’s so much more understanding now. I believe these boys were terribly abused, and they only acted out in absolute desperation. They also felt that their mother did not protect them as she did not I am so on their side. I hope they get out

  2. I think, they must be relessed. They have been abused for a long time of there one parents.unforgivenel crim against children.Then put in prison for a very long time, it is terrible! They must be relessed! Like your channel, very good information!

  3. I don’t believe the Menéndez brothers were sexually abuse. Was that letter introduced as evidence from the beginning?? And how do we know this exact letter was sent when they were 14?? There are other inmates who are serving their full prison sentence who did a lesser crime. And they were adults when they committed these crimes not children. NO DO NOT LET THEM OUT. THEY WERE SPOILED RICH BRATS


  4. The fact of SRA should absolve them completely!!!
    Well, I hope it does in God’s court. That’s all that matters.

    May Lord Jesus give them true repentance and salvation of souls regardless of the earthly “justice”, in Christ’s holy name.

  5. 100% absolutely they should be let out now. It’s been long enough and they’re victims too. They’re not the “boys” anymore. They’re grown men and not who they used to be. They have also had a lot of good references about their characters as of today. They suffered as kids and most of their adult life. Enough is enough. Let them live their lives finally please!

  6. So who paid the DA off? This is a slap in the face of the families affected as well as all Americans. They were sentenced to LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE! So now every single lifer is wanting to get out! I mean WTF? This is blatant BS! I'm angry as all get up right now! Those that think they should get out my opinion is you haven't lost a loved one. The LAW said LIFE without parole. 😡😡😡😡😡😡

  7. I think it's sad that how long you have to be in prison depends on what country you live in. In my country the brothers would've been free in 2019 at the latest. Without having been sexually abused and/or raped by their father. And without any terms. Life isn't fair.

  8. Yes, I see wealth, notoriety, class within the usual sector of the society, and fortune playing into the popular outcry to release them. There is a case of a boy of 13 shooting and killing a teacher {with one shot from a small-caliber gun, not blowing off his head with several shotgun blasts}, in Florida. He has been serving 'life w/o parole for many years now.

    There is another case of an above-average-size 10 year old with a below-average IQ who killed his neighbor, age 4, who his mother was babysitting. He was practicing wrestling moves he had seen on TV. He too is serving life w/o parole, again, in Florida. They were both 2 black boys from poor families.

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