Teacher’s death: Murder or suicide? • Were Delphi teens killed in pagan ritual? – Everything Law and Order Blog

This Week on True Crime Daily The Podcast: Authorities deem a teacher’s death was self-inflicted after she suffered 20 stab wounds. Plus, defense attorneys claim the teen victims of the Delphi slayings were sacrificed by pagan white nationalists.

Phillip Hamilton and Susan Hendricks join host Ana Garcia.

Ana Garcia

Phillip Hamilton


Susan Hendricks

Check out Susan’s book covering the Delphi case: https://www.amazon.com/Down-Hill-Descent-Double-Murder/dp/0306830248
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49 thoughts on “Teacher’s death: Murder or suicide? • Were Delphi teens killed in pagan ritual?”
  1. Did the 911 call happen before or after the door was kicked in? He murdered her after the door was kicked in. Why is it so hard to believe? It would have taken less than a minute to stab someone that many times.

  2. How many hundreds if not thousands of murders yearly are ruled accidents or self harming? Because the Cities or States do not have the budgets to rule it redrum? A lot more than we think I suspect. This case was just exposed. We as the public gets our education from the nightly fictionalized crime dramas. Rather not see the truth when it stares us in the face. It would bankrupt the State if they spent the money investigating all the redrum, epar and robberies that happen daily.

  3. Suicide is one thing that is truly never 100% provable…because the intent of the person committing…well…died with their body…..
    Now, you can infer based on surroudings, circumstances…how likely, but it's never definitive. Police take advantage when they want to shut a case down and just it that JUST BECAUSE THEY CAN DO SO.

  4. The boyfriend killed her. So obvious, no guy who thinks that her girlfriend is suicidal propose her ans set up a wedding date. Logic says that if he truly loves her, he would try to get her hep, treatment, family intervention, anything before getting married.
    God knows what dark secrets about this guy, she found out , she canceled the wedding and that prompt the psych to kill her!
    Certainly he has friends in high places, that helped him to get away with murder.
    Poor parents, they will suffer her loss forever and without hope!

  5. That's the shit I don't get why the hell they go back and forth with a case when they know who is the killer cause clearly is the boyfriend….once the person start lying he is guilty….but money plus influence talks right??

  6. Clearly no one can stab themselves to death and continue. Fiancé was too calm. Nothing adds up. This was no suicide. My condolences to the family. I hope one day they get justice for the death of their love one.🙏🙏

  7. I'm not done with this podcast yet, but after listening to the 911 call neither one of you Anna or the lawyer has said one single thing about the fiance saying oh my God she stabbed herself. Why would he assumed that she stabbed herself? Maybe you will address it but you haven't yet. Blood all over the place having to break the door down saying that the security guard helped you in and her him saying to the 911 operator oh my God she stabbed herself just doesn't add up in my book there's something fishy about it

  8. Why did she want to move to move back home before she was to get married? Something wrong at her home with fiancé. Not a suicide that’s very obvious. Corruption going on. Very sad. My heart goes out to her parents. Justice for Ellen.

  9. The fiance saud omg she stabbed herself how does he know she stabbed herself what made him think she did it how can you stab yourself from the back someone doesnt want her to marry this guy or fiance did it and why did security change his story?
    Shes obviously got murdered

  10. I’ve been following this case, it is so frustrating and heartbreaking 💔 Thank you for covering this story True Crime Daily!!! Major coverup here with the fiancé and his family ties politically.
    Help her parents continue their fight with Justice for Ellen 🙏🙏🙏💕

  11. But she was stabbed in the chest postmortem. The stab in her neck would have disabled her. She wouldn’t have been able to stab herself after that. I cannot believe “intelligent” experts haven’t ruled this as homicide. Ridiculous

  12. I love true crime daily and Ana Garcia is one of my favorite crime podcasters on YouTube. I love her opinions and how she is bias but brings truth to crime. I just love her and the channel. I'm getting used to this platform and finding great channels such as this. I am a true crime addict. I can watch episode after episode and never get tired. So many cases and now I can watch you live. Love it! New fan from Indianapolis Indiana. This Delphi case is horrible. My heart and prayers go out to the family and loved ones. Rest in peace Abby and Libby. I'm not going to comment on the case I'm more interested in what Ana says about this case. I will go through the videos on this case. I just want to hear other opinions of how this case ended up where it is now since we have more information about howl brutal their deaths were. So sad. I need to play catch up on this channel because I'm sure there are more on this particular case. It hits home. I lost my son to suicide on Feb 15, 2017. So this is the one case that I got interested in. I remember watching the news on it as I was dealing with losing my son around the same time. I just want justice for the girls. Thanks for covering this case. I'm in Indiana. Happy streaming on true crime daily!

  13. sickening. obviously She did not kill herself. i have watched other deep dives into this case 
    & there is evidence stating the decline of Her relationship with Her fiance. he was abusive 
    & cruel towards Her. He did this & needs to finally be held accountable for his crime.
    no one kills themselves by stabbing themselves repeatedly & more over.. in the back of the neck & then the chest!

  14. 👁️👁️ MY THEORY: Fiancé killed her w/ 20 knife wounds
    He showered & changed into workouts. Goes down to gym (on Apt site) for “45 minutes” Within that time frame, she stabs herself 20 times & dies.
    Fiancé claims to have called Apt Complex employee to assist him in breaking down door…

    WRONG❗️ Employee was NOT CALLED TO ‘ASDIST.’

    Now, the only witness that “door was locked from inside” is the lying Fiancé❗️

    20 highly suspicious stab wounds within 45 minute timeframe (once more, by a liar)

    I will assume the shower drain was NOT swabbed for her DNA, blood. — where he showered AFTER MURDERING her & BEFORE workout❗️

    MOTIVE: She wanted to DELAY OR. CANCEL WEDFING due to her anxiety. Issues❗️

    He killed her❗️

    What friends-in-high-places, did this man, this Jewish Prince of a fiancé, have … that he couldn’t abide the UGLY EMBARRASSMENT ⁉️


  15. Ellen Greenberg's Medical Examiner, ME, ruled her death a suicide.
    Originally he'd PLANNED on rulling her death HOMICIDE or UNDETERMINED!
    And listen to this!
    He changed it to suicide because the Police INSISTED!
    Isn't the main point of using a ME exactly because he or she has knowledge that the police don't have?
    Isn't the ME supposed to be an objective source who purpose is to add external information?
    If the Police already have made a conclusion what's the point of using a ME?
    There are so much insanity with this case I could write all day.
    The most scary thing is that we all see it and call it out but LE has so much power they can do whatever they want.
    That's so scary I almost can't go there because in reality it means we're totally helpless.

  16. Odinism is a real thing.
    And what the defence team are saying is partially true.
    This is a very compex belief system with several different branches.
    The most used belief between regular people is Åsatru, or Asatru. It's based in the Norse Mythology.
    So is Odinism. To be completely honest, as a Norwegian I don't understand the different between the two.
    We've always used the word Åsatru.
    The word Odinism is a word I first heard a few years ago so to that word to me is contructed. By who I don't know. It may be rhe media. Or it may be the Neo nazies.
    It's common knowledge that the Neo nazies are using a lot of old symols and tend to believe in The Norse Mythology.
    As we all know the original Nazies also used old symbols in their propaganda.
    Most of the German Nazies including Hitler were Christians, later called German Christians. However it was not a demand, the members of Hitler's party were not bound to Christianity. There were also Catholics.
    That whole subject of religion within the Nazies and Neo Nazies is extremely complex because they use religion as a political weapon in lack of a better word.
    A lot of the Neo Nazies actually call themselves Christians and they're very invested in The Bible.
    But other Neo Nazies, especially in The US say their belief is Odinism.

    However in regards to the Delphi case.
    One girl dressed in the other girl's clothes and some branches in hair has NOTHING to to with either Åsatru, Odinism or any other Norse Mythology!
    Where those detectivrs got that information, I'd love to know!
    When the LE writes an affidavit or other legal papers, do they have to show some sort of source list?
    When I was studying my Bachelor degree, the most important thing was to refference to all the different sources I'd used.
    Is it like that with legal papers if they for example suggest that this was a ritual killing? Do they need to note that so and so professionals told us about Odinistic rituals and so and so litterature about Norse Mythology said this and based on that our conclusion is that this is a ritualistic scene.
    Or can they just write whatever without having to back up their claims or findings?

    I hope people were able to understand my thought process here.
    My main point is that this is no ritual killing.
    At least not based in Norse Mythology.
    So I'd love to know who told LE that it could be ritualistic.

  17. Sounds like a homicide coverup with someone in the police or justice systems. Someone has connections that go high up.

    That many stab wounds and the depth of the wounds is associated with rage. She would have had to be extremely angry with herself but I doubt she made all those stab wounds herself as she was bleeding out to have the rage and the strength to inflect that much harm to herself.

  18. This case clearly shows how corrupt society is. No one can stab themselves in that manner that many times. How would she have gotten that strength? Blood loss and not to mention the pain she would have been super human to pull this off.

  19. Quick question, why did the fiancé say “she stabbed herself”? How would he know? Since he loved and thought the best of her, wouldn’t he have said “someone stabbed her”? Why assume she did it to herself unless that was the setup all along? I would never assume my significant other would stick a knife in his chest, police would need to tell me that and I am a medical professional so I would quickly assess injuries when I found him. It isn’t logical or normal behavior. It would be different if it was a cut wrist, throat injury or even a serious abdominal injury because that actually is a plausible method of suicide. The court needs to also take into account that the family has been fighting this since the very beginning and that the arm of justice is long.

  20. They ruled it a suicide because the narrative was prepared. The fiancee said, "She stabbed herself!" after allegedly coming in and from that point on it was a suicide. Weird, isn't it? Who immediately believes a supposedly shocked fiancee without looking at the facts?

  21. How such a clear homicide by an abusive, coercive boyfriend can even be discussed as a suicide is beyond me. He should already sit in prison with LWP. He drove her into depression and now claims she did that insanity to herself, classic accusations by an domestic abuser/killer. Depressed women likely take pills, they rarely leave a bloody mess.

    Every single investigation I have watched about this case clearly screams domestic murder.

    And the flying monkeys form a circle with the killer. I hope they all get targeted by him, at this point I have no compassion for enablers any longer.

  22. This is the one that NOT only did she allegedly stab herself through her clothing in weird areas…. while on the phone with 911 she had the knife in her chest with a sweater zipped over top of it? Also there is a youtuber, gavin fish its the 2nd episode he does on this case,his wife tries to recreate her stabbing herself with a women who is about the same stature… older but a yoga enthuiastist (so still very flexible) and she couldn't put enough pressure on the knife for the stab in the back of her neck (bc of her arm length she wasnt able to angle it correctly and put pressure on the knife). It was really interesting.

  23. Since people only look into things if they can get famous I will say. Find out who it was and why, in the murder of Aden Hunt-Spann in Fort Worth. It was a cover up because he was a witness alibi in a false arrest.

  24. I really feel like this one has been done on True Crime Daily The Podcast, unless I saw it or heard it on a different podcast, but I really don’t listen to any others😅. True crime daily has my heart in the crime podcast world. It is absolutely insane how this case was handled. Heartbreaking. Praying for justice someday.

  25. Please have her parents on to discuss this case and spread awareness. Spreading awareness and calling out every law agent involved in this farce of an investigation may put pressure on authorities to actually reopen the case. The police, judge, and DA should all be ashamed of themselves and held accountable for this blatant disregard for justice. Disgusting.

  26. I was really interested in this case when i seen a deep dive on it a few years ago, i live right outside of philly and couldn't believe i didnt hear about this when it happened.. the m.e in this case actually came out and said when he marked down homicide he was then called in for a meeting with his boss and the prosecutor and other higher up peopple and was told/threatened to switch it to suicide and thats what he then did, he felt like he had no choice. This womans bf i think had an uncle in politics so thats why the coverup. It was proven that one of the stab wounds to the back of the neck/head would have made her unable to inflict the rest/last wound that caused her death. And also it was impossible for her to stab herself in the back with the amount of force needed with the position and such a long knife. Its incredible how many coverups still happen. Disgusting.

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