Teen miraculously survives attack and 30 hours alone in the woods

Teen miraculously survives attack and 30 hours alone in the woods

“True Crime News” looks at the case of Ashley Reeves, a woman who was choked and left to die in the woods. But she pushed past the odds and survived.


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33 thoughts on “Teen miraculously survives attack and 30 hours alone in the woods

    imagine being out there, completely healthy, just for 15min. just in the cold, dark….makes me sick just thinking about it…

    i hope she is able to recover from the ptsd/emotional trauma….poor Ashley.

  2. Wait, so is Ashley still with Jeremy? Is that her baby daddy?

    Edit: Aw, nevermind. It’s someone else. While I feel terrible about what happened to Ashley, my heart also goes out to Jeremy ‘cause they had been together for 2 years and their relationship was serious, with Ashley introducing him to her parents…and he seemed so sure that she’d never cheat on him. That’s gotta be heartbreaking for him to know that his gf not only cheated on him, but cheated on him with someone who tried to kill her.

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