Teen who bludgeoned and stabbed mother to death gets conviction thrown out

Teen who bludgeoned and stabbed mother to death gets conviction thrown out

This Week on True Crime News The Podcast: A woman’s sanity remains in question after her conviction for the brutal murder of her mother. While jurors found Sydney Powell guilty of the beating and fatal stabbing of her mom, Brenda Powell, an appeals court overturned the verdict, ruling that Sydney’s right to a fair trial was violated in the presentation of her insanity defense.

Dr. Gail Saltz joins host Ana Garcia.

Ana Garcia

Dr. Gail Saltz


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46 thoughts on “Teen who bludgeoned and stabbed mother to death gets conviction thrown out

  1. Shameful for being kicked out of college, but not feeling ashamed of doing what she did… makes sense…. not.

    Her and that weirdo who offed his mom and dad, I think it was in Wisconsin or Missouri. Are one in the same. He was lying about being in college, being accepted to work for Nasa, etc, and when his secret was revealed, he decided to Mrdr both his poor mother and father…. even had his young girlfriend in the home after he literally had if I remember correctly burned one of his parents in the fireplace or something crazy.

    Im sorry, but even if I was afraid that I let my parents down, the last thing I'd be thinking about doing is this heinous crap to my mom and dad.

    Ridiculous. So, they are "ashamed" of being a lying failure, but not ashamed of being looked down on and known as a crazy lunatic kller.

    Also, she was 19, yet her parents were paying for her schooling, correct? Even if she is technically an adult, I think if the parents are paying for their childs education, they should most definitely be made aware of what is going on.

  2. Our justice system is so SCREWED UP….when the family of victim doesn't want to see the person punished for then that should be the end of it. At that point it's NOT about so called "justice"….it's NOTHING MORE THAN THE STATES EGO, AND GETTING THEIR POUND OF FLESH!!!

  3. Hi Ana. I love your coverage of these cases. Having said that, I just wanted to say that your whole vibe and look today is so good! You look so beautiful with your hair up! Your hair, your outfit, and your glasses are a really good look on you! Side note…I realize your guest is really smart and knowledgeable, she’s just too long winded. I feel she took far too much time to get to the point of actually answering your questions. I just prefer it more when you’re able to have a dialogue with your guests. There, I said it! Take good care!

  4. She knew what she was doing. There’s absolutely no defense and I think it’s absolutely ridiculous that this lady who’s supposed to know what she’s talking about is not stating facts whatsoever premeditation can happen within a minute before killing someone once you decide that you were gonna kill someone that is premeditation.

  5. I love watching and listening to you and your guests but this episode feels like you're making a bunch of excuses for the murder. She should be in prison, she knows exactly what she was doing. This insanity nonsense is the reason kids are not afraid to do anything these days cause they know they will just be given a slap on the wrist.
    Also, some parts of this podcast sound like victim-blaming to me

  6. Sounds like victim blaming, tbh. There is no evidence the young woman has a mental illness. There have been men (e.g., Mark Hacking, Bart Whitaker) who carried out murder plots against family members to cover up charades similar to Sydney Powell's, yet they were held criminally responsible. When a female is the perpetrator, why do people assume she must be mentally ill or perceive her as emotionally fragile?

  7. Remember y'all, demons have no bias which gender they prey upon…. Just because you're staring at a young girl with a lot of life ahead of her, does NOT mean she is NOT posessed. You HAVE to be posessed to stab your Mother 30 times. This is not mental illness. This is pure evil. Our justice system is so screwed up.

  8. Well I looked up the Circle of the moment the Crime was done and it shows Cancer in the 1st Leo in the 2nd mindset and communication is Virgo and Pisces. Pisces is about ENDING it and in the Courts was alot of Capricorn energy that shows Killer Killed Killing Death. So she went to Court over Killing. Hmmmmm Cancer is kitchen stuff Home Mom History.

  9. A lot of people in this comment section have no clue about mental illness and are just reacting about what they think they know, what was going through Sydney's head. Either way there's a reason why this comment section is not experts, add the appeal courts over 30 her sentence. I see there's a bunch of armchair psychiatrist with no clue about mental illness. 🙄

  10. Angela Yates was mentally I’ll, she was sent home from nursing school many years before she killed her children in a delusion. Her parents had her hospitalized for her spells. Once she was married off it was no longer there concern because it was then her husbands problem if she had postpartum spells, her husband was told not to have more children or to leave her alone with them . Unfortunately the morning the children were all drowned in the bathtub,Angela thought she was placing them all in the river like baby Noa. She was. Seriously mentally ill. . .

  11. How was the school able to talk to her mother about her schooling situation since she was an adult at the time? Did someone mess up, or does it have something to do with the parents paying for tuition?

    Edit: She had a scholarship, was it full?

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