Police make a gruesome discovery on a former llama farm. Now cops are eyeing Leanna Walker’s boyfriend, who worked there. Chris Hansen has the story with reporting from WNEP.
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Police make a gruesome discovery on a former llama farm. Now cops are eyeing Leanna Walker’s boyfriend, who worked there. Chris Hansen has the story with reporting from WNEP.
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First time I met the guy, it was about 600am and I was working in a new job, alone. He entered, introduced himself as a friend of a coworker, and said he was going upstairs to knit, because he always did that on mondays. He told me a story about getting kicked out of a house so he dug a hole in the back yard and lived in that. Know the signs of metal illness- teach them to your kids before they start dating.
She was my best friends aunt
Friend of victim: "it's just so terrible that something so disgusting can happen in such a small town

Wtf!? How are you so happy talking your "friends" murder!?…
Why is her friend smiling like a weirdo. Smh this happened 2 hours from me. Rip baby girl.
Get out of the dope game
I’m telling you if that’s my daughter the only thing thy cops would have found is his head on a stick like a tiki torch
Why is she smiling??? Omg
Why was the first girl smiling for???
In 2018 her piece of trash of a boyfriend was tried and convicted of her murder
What’s wrong with the girl at the beginning of the video !!!
I can’t tell if the friend is happy she is dead or that was a nervous smile.
When you’re so proud to be on tv you don’t give a shit about the topic
She was laughing smiling during the interview… creepy
Smiling while taking about a friend's murder. How ghoulish.
I mean, if Ashley smiles at the horrific murder of her "friend", I damn sure wouldn't want to be her enemy!
Her smiling is absolutely disgusting!
Her ”friend” smiling…. If I lost my friend I wouldnt smile like that!!!
The girl was nervous to the questions which spurred the grin. Did you hear the boyfriend, he as much admitted that he killed her saying that there were bad boys around. A psychiatrist would determine based on his answers that it was a self confession. Analyze the crime scene and verify the evidence. He is a psychopath.
that cannot be her friend she smiling too much
24 and 17 really? you can’t get a nice woman your age ?
May wanna ask the "Friend" crazy smirk as as she claims "its shocking something that horrible and disgusting can happen " just not normal
The 1st girl interviewed by media….WTHELL was she grinning and laughing about?!
Why is she smiling while talking about her friend being murdered??
Bruhhhh why was her friend smiling and giggling like that

She was like
"lol my friend was murdered
Why was her “friend” smiling and giddy like that. I’d look at her too
“SoMe PeOplE dO ThAt WheN tHeyrE NerVoUs”
He looks like Michael J Fox
That llama farm supplied Michael Jackson….
The 'happy' looking friend is just hideous and she should not be included in this clip out of respect for her dead friend
Why the hell is her friend laughing…
Nice friend, smiling the whole time being interviewed !
Why tf was her friend smiling while talking bout this
Who needs enemies when you've got friends like laughing girl
Friend smiling like she won a competition
What information do you need!? The guy made threats, she was found at his workplace and no innocent boyfriend says “she was hanging around with bad boys” as if to say “well she was warned so she got what she deserved”.
a title change is warranted at this point lol
Her friend needs to be interrogated. Slap that fkn smile off her face real quick. Disrespectful b**
I'd be looking into that smiley bird
Why was she smiling and laughing? Like why is she happy
Why in the hell is that "friend" trying so hard not to laugh?!? Look at that smile wow what a friend….
The young girl is not smiling, in fact she's on the verge of breaking down to cry.
Why was her friend smiling???
that bitch did it
that girl having a laugh and smiling about this is an asshole…i hope she sees this
100% comments section about the smiling girl
I think good ol' creepy gg Ashley kushner just might be involved in the death of her "friend" @ least in in some way!!! why else would the f*** b** be smiling about what happened!!! she gives me the creep vibes….she gives me the guilty vibes. yup, I think she just may be hiding somethin!! How disrespectful can you be smiling on camera when talking about your dead friend get a f**** clue kid!!!
You can so tell she wanted this 5 secs of fame just from her almost laughing talking about the town. What a mess

Why is her friend so happy she dead ?????
They rlly need to be investigating that girl that jus grinning like crazy and looking away from the camera saying certain things