In this episode of True Crime Daily The Sidebar Podcast: Pat Carey joins host Joshua Ritter to break down the biggest cases making headlines across the nation. They discuss the exhumation of Stephen Smith’s body following Alex Murdaugh’s murder conviction, jury selection in Lori Vallow’s trial, and a fugitive charged with felony murder for the death of a corrections officer who aided in his escape.
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So sad it wasn’t called out for what it was. Sandy knew her son was murdered, bless her.
31:00 on the recording just seconds before the gun shot you can hear her say "No, please don't.." I think he shot her.
Also they were currently fleeing therefore a crime was still in progress.
He was always walking the wrong direction for the gas station. His drivers door handle was also broken off. They probably broke it if he was trying to get in the car to get away. And no one looks in the tank not even in the day light. It’s a hidden murder for sure.
Stephen was murdered elsewhere and dumped in the middle of the street to make believe he was hit by a car. He should have been thrown on the side if he was hit by a mirror. His shirt was up like someone carried him to the road. Plus there is mud on his shoes. They probably offered to drive him and killed him.
Had she not met him and been convinced to break him out of jail, having been a fully law abiding citizen, she’d never have been involved in a car chase fleeing from law enforcement and having that in mind she’d not been put in the position that caused the end of her life. Right? He’s ultimately responsible…. Isn’t he
Stephen’s wallet was left in his car. His twin sister said Steve would’ve texted her to come pick him up if he ran out of gas. Also he was less than a mile away from his father’s house.
Always love the sidebar! Thanks for more great content
Very cool, Josh!! We recorded 48 Hours (David Pearce murder case/drug overdose/sexual assault) earlier this month on CBS and caught your short breakdown/commentary totally unexpectedly!! Jim C.
You still talking about that sad bitch that killed her kids in Utah???Sad attorneys wanting to drag ass..WHAT THE HELL..? 2 thousand kids have been abused since u sucked this crime..
Steven's mother I am sorry
.That is what they called your son Road kill from Red necks..Alec did have something to hide..His son had a live for your son.Alec tried to cover..Just so sad that this happened.
Just another cover up try from Murdoch
I think Alec n Youngest were at Smiths road kill on police radio..They said they just pulled up on it?
Any chance SLED was is the pocket of the Murdaugh Regime?
They are now investigating because the media spot is on them.
Thanks Josh & Pat. I loved the hypothetical legal arguments at the end. His defence will surely have to get that charge either dismissed if he takes a plea deal or take some of your advice if he’s pleading not guilty. Thanks for another great episode as always!

l live in the next County from where the Whites escaped. l knew they would be caught. lf she was alive and caught, l would ask her if it was worth it?
I thought the gas cap was connected. It was dangling down but not on the ground.
Is Steven Smiths not a murder regardless.. In my opinion, if someone hits someone with a car/vehicle, then the driver drives away and doesn't render aid or contact authorities then it becomes murder
No thinking adult should be able to justify their horrendous behavior bc of religious beliefs. Thinking one is doing god's work is the basis for so much suffering.
Gas cap off,but his wallet and phone in his car? Why would he not have his wallet with him, and for sure his phone!!
Justice for Stephen ~

Yep! I watched a Crime Beat story on 3 teenagers who burglarized a home with no weapons and the homeowner killed one of the teenagers and the other two were sentenced to life for murder. Had they not been burglarizing this home the young man would not have lost his life. Had these two not been escaping in the first place she would not have been in a position to feel like she had to unalive herself.
Why does he constantly say, ask..”right.?” And ahh.. I can’t listen!!
If my child died I don’t think I would ever be able to smile (smirk) again what is going on in her head Lori case.
1:52 dodo
Good answer someone could of seen something and mentioned Murdaugh name and it fear them.
I do absolutely believe AM being Convicted caused People to come forward and or LE feeling Confident they could finally move forward to get a Conviction or Convictions. #JusticeForStevenSmith.

I am Unsure if it was SLED Highway Patrol and perhaps the Coroner requested a Rape Kit be performed but request denied by whom idk

by "Ties" TCD means they lived in the same hemisphere
Thanks very much for sharing. Greetings from James J in Limerick city Ireland
This case is moving a lot faster and smarter than the Lori Vallow Chad Daybill case.
So weird seeing Florence AL on true crime daily! That’s where I live. So many unfortunate events.
I believe Lori and Chad poisoned her brother.
I had forgotten about old Buster.
It said they picked all the jurors yesterday in the Vallow case.
Nooo,Defense attorneys always take the other side first.The f.b.i. has been secretly investigating that boys death since then ,cuz HE WAS THE WITNESS AGAIMST THE OTHER BOY AND RT AFTERWARD GETS KILLED IN A HIT AND RUN?!?UMMM…LETS USE COMMON SENSE.THIS GAMILY IS OBVIOUSLY A FAMILY THAT TAKES CARE OF BUSINESS DOFFERENTLY THAN MOST.
The attorneys are going to put the dears of the kids on her dead brother Alex Cox, as of right now I don’t see her putting the blame on Chad.
They killed the sun they should’ve killed the mother too. That was stupid cause the mother’s gonna fight. That’s why the cartel kills everyone.
I watched a story on some kids 15-17 breakinng into a man's home to rob him so they all get away except 1 and he gets shot by the homeowner and dies they got charged w felony murder. It was sad. And that guy that let his friend borrow his car he was home sleeping and wakes up getting arrested bc his friend murdered a girl and he was charged w felony murder for allowing his friend to borrow his car to go rob this girl but he also killed her. Sad happens so much!
Im totally fine with white being charged in her death. They commited felony prison break, hindering prosecution, eluding police, reckless driving.. she shot herself because she didnt want to do time FOR THE FELONY PRISON BREAK AND HINDERING PROSECUTION that they were still actuvely involved in.Thats a death while in commition of a felony as they were still on the run. Hes guilty. Had he died and not her, shed be guilty. Reasonable people woukd know escaping from prison and then running from cops is dangerous!!
16:42 honestly even if they have been exposed, they can lie on jury paperwork about their past and affiliations etc like the formsn on the first danny masterson trial did. He lied and said no to having ever been or being related to law enforcement, he lied about being related to a criminal, and he lied about knowing his son (the criminals) charges wich were rape of minors. Then he wrote an affadavit FOR the defense to try and dismiss charges. So i bet theyd much rather have jurors that have seen/heard about the case and say so.. then have ppl lie and then cause possible mistrials etc.
Will the Murtagh's house keeper's body be exhumed as well ?
How about LE should have investigated it properly from the beginning. We know if Alex Murdaugh wasn't in prison right now LE would have never reopened this case. I'm glad it's getting reopened but the corruption of a family dynasty and the thought of the many lives they've destroyed with their fn power and $$. I'm disgusted bc these happens everyday all over this country. Ordinary people don't have the financial means to get the justice we count on LE to do without the fear of fn corrupt rich people.
Gas tank top wasnt on the ground! It hung from the gas tank opening. A small thing but it seems you would know that from all the pictures available.
A part of me feels like the investigation into Stephen is a formality to calm the public. I would be surprised if anyone is charged with his murder..
The Murdaugh saga never ends!
Thank you. I am so grateful for all the good, loving ppl stepping up to the plate and doing the morally right thing. You can’t have ppl in pretty dresses , a suit and tie dripping in blood and mud and act like they are clean. Who with a heart of compassion turns a blind eye to murder? Who? Anti-social, society collapsing slugs do. Some slugs are hard to find even so, if you know they exist, it is YOUR duty to seek and remove it all.
I use to be naive. I knew that there was bad, impulsive behavior and sexual misconduct; but the last 14 years have made my ass pucker like never before. I now see evil. I am scared, not for myself for I have stared into the eyes of evil (not knowing it) and he slithered away. Evil needs accomplices. Unplug the flow of dissent now – no excuse – highly visible. No hiding now. The head of the snake must be removed! Only clean hands please.
When is SLED gonna be investigated??? This is 2 publicly displayed cases where SLED was so negligent its criminal. When's that investigation gonna start? Corruption seems to be a "theme" for them…..