UPDATES: https://bit.ly/2Zqx5tD
It was supposed to be a fun camping trip with friends to a popular three-day wakeboarding event — but Lauren Agee did not make it through the weekend. UPDATES: https://bit.ly/2Zqx5tD
Tennessee’s Lauren Agee case (Updates in description below)

They all 3 know what happened to her.
@22:21 Did someone nail a cross on that cliff? 😔
Who is here because of TikTok?
Kassie frank cmon you couldn't make room for her when you KNEW that the cliff was scary and dangerous ! You only came on the shoe so they could show us what a crappy friend you are!
Third guy looks creepy
Wasent room we used to go to jersey shore and eveyone crashed with us on the floor even one guy we knew put two chairs together and went to sleep in kitchen but then again it was the 90s when eveyone watched your backs
Obviously they killed her.
“She honestly…my honest opinion – she slipped “ yeah ok, Chris.
Friends? What friends? 🤦🏽♀️
She was very intoxicated according to the autopsy. Parents Always want to blame others. Sad but true.
The way the law enforcement acted in this case makes me disgusted to know I live in the state of Tennessee. This case truly deserves to be investigated to the furthest extent possible. It seems like they just didn't want to deal with it. I personally believe the people that was with her had something to do with it. And I would like to tell her mother that I'm sorry for her lose. And I hope and pray that somehow, she gets to the bottom of this case and gets the answers she deserves to have. Keep on fighting…..
Why has no one pointed out the marks on her knees and top of her feet that it looks like drag marks? Could say two people picked her up from under the arms on either side (could explain scratches that look like finger nails behind the biceps and dragged her with her knees & feet dragging leaving the the marks. Falling hitting rocks will leave cuts & scrapes not 3" wear marks that look just like road rash that's from dragging a body. So many inconsistencies with this it sounds like a friend tried to get her new bf's buddy laid so they can have friends dating too and it went wrong.cops did a bad job on this chalking it off as a drunk girl and walked away and will not reopen it cuz it will make them look incompetent and all around pieces of shit but too late for that.
Her friends killed her. I've looked at all other documentaries on this. The prime person is Chris ( a known criminal), who would have raped and killed her. The others knew and covered it up. The sheriffs department went along despite many red flags. The only good police officer here is the person who raised many red flags which went ignored. I hope justice will be served for the sake of all other young girl's and this grieving mother.
If you don't know what happened, follow the money and connections. It's the old truth.1) the coroner doesn't 'notice' the bruises in their report. 2) the police excluding rape based on a tampon??? C'mon! Is this the 18th century? 3) little s#!ta pleading the 5th, while maintaining being 'innocent'. How much more do you need? My gut feeling is it's a cover up. I'd check the connections with the law enforcement. This case is so fishy,I can smell the stench from here, being in a different continent. EDIT: directed to the little s#!ts invilved KARMA IS A PATIENT BITCH
There was also another older guy on the cliff.
Something real rotten in Denmark here with Lauren’s death. No water in lungs, bite mark, boat impression, and best weekend ever. With friends live that who the hell needs enemies????
That Harry guy has some super high blood pressure. Go see a doctor sir. You should not be that red 😅
This is a tragedy, praying for the family 🙏🏼🙏🏼
What do you mean there was no room? Shame on you kassi!!
Those people are not her true friends so what do you expect? Cops know actually what happened they just don't want to help the family get the justice that they deserve.She definitely got killed and we all know who did it? Its really obvios….
I feel like it was Chris. Idk if the other two were involved but I one million percent believe it was Chris. Probably tried to kiss her and was rejected repeatedly and he didn’t like it or he was rejected, killed her, and dumped her body.
Edit: he sexually assaulted her. Definitely. Bite marks on her breasts? Yeah, no.
I think the canoe injury happened as she exited the canoe and possibly slipped, hitting herself on the corner prior to going to bed. She likely fell out trying to use the bathroom, possibly hitting her head on the way down, stalled on a cliff possibly holding herself, passed away and fell into the water. A corpse that falls in face-first might remain on the surface, since there would be no way for the air inside the lungs to escape. (A faceup corpse would fill with water and sink in the normal fashion.) So that makes sense to me.
Hope they do reopen this case and do a thorough investigation. Just doesn't seem like a simple accident.
Tennessee, no surprise!
I’m absolutely gobsmacked they stayed at the lake and then put best weekend ever an didn’t go to funeral wow
The sheriff needed to be fired. He's inadequate.
How sad these kids can't tell the truth.LORD IF THIS WAS THEEIR SISTER OR BROTHER HOW WOULD THEY FEEL.?
Has there been any updates on this case?
I believe Hannah had everything to do with it. She is the one that lied about seeing her go off with another man. Most probably Chris was into her and shee sprang into a jealous fete! Either way, I cant believe the oversights from the Sheriff's department… Like no Rape kit because she had a tampon, the coear Canoe prints, the floating body, the way the guys casually said its their friend, everyone seems to disagree with them and they seem to have a lame excuse or answer for their incompetence… Shame! Rest in peace Lauren. May you fight for your Justice from beyond!
I live on that lake 🥲