Texas Teen Disappears; Father Confronts Family Friend – Pt. 1 – Crime Watch Daily

Texas Teen Disappears; Father Confronts Family Friend – Pt. 1 – Crime Watch Daily

For the parents of 18-year-old Caleb Diehl, life has become a waiting game. Jason Mattera has the story.

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21 thoughts on “Texas Teen Disappears; Father Confronts Family Friend – Pt. 1 – Crime Watch Daily

  1. That sick soul less evil shell Ricky.. you will get what you did to innocent boys in prison.
    *PSA stop being so trusting- ask your kids questions, this happens way too often and the predator rarely gets jail time.
    This is off of topic but almost all of my male 🎀

    Caleb was robbed of his innocence and childhood by that evil Ricky.
    Caleb wherever you are May you be at peace. 🙏

  2. My daughter is 19 . She lives five hours away from me. I have her location on my phone. Anytime I see that her location is not at home I take snap shots just in case something happens. I text her everyday are you ok. I make sure I have her address. If she moves from point a to point b I take snap shots. She gets annoyed but I always tell her you always need someone to know where you are in case something happens. She used to use my accounts for ubers. I always took pics of car and would watch the route the driver took.

  3. This sounds like the boy was being groomed by someone and the way he deliberately lied about who he was going to meet sounds like he was hiding something he was ashamed of or didn't want his parents to know. Why on earth the vehicle was found in the family friends shop though… wow.. How sad and tragic all the way around.

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