Texas Teen Disappears; Father Confronts Family Friend – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

Texas Teen Disappears; Father Confronts Family Friend – Pt. 2  – Crime Watch Daily

For the parents of 18-year-old Caleb Diehl, life has become a waiting game. Jason Mattera has the story.

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26 thoughts on “Texas Teen Disappears; Father Confronts Family Friend – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

  1. That lawyer seriously weeeerrrkin for that paycheck lol. "how do we know they were his computers? O.o" boy… if you don't get your complete lack of common sense ass tf outta here WHAT!?

  2. Rickey Howard's Attorney is a P.O.S!!! He's just as disgusting as Ricky. The nerve to deny & blame a victim's claims. Yes, 500 times over a 4 year period. Do you honestly believe a male victim would make that up? Most young men nwver tell bc they're unfortunately ashamed. They fear their manhood being challenged and that's just not true. ALWAYS SPEAK OUT

  3. Ricky is doing a prison term of 30 years for sexually assaulting several boys including Caleb…He is a sick piece of crap and he is where he belongs and will not hurt another child 😡

  4. My guess is that Ricky Howard is a closet homosexual.
    He desired attractive young men and in the interest of grooming them would use his wealth, reputation, and ,"pull" to insert himself as a family friend first.
    Grooming the child in the presence of the family.
    Progressively he would have the boys come over to his properties alone, shower them with gifts( grooming) and after the abuse was established outright pay the boys for sexual favors.

    Ricky's perversion on the web along with photos and correspondence with the victims and or our victim caused him to burn those laptops…

    I could go on and on but sadly our victim will not be returning. I believe he threatened to out Ricky and Ricky killed him.

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