The Chikaordery Saga Continues – Everything Law and Order Blog

A woman from Cameroon reached out to me looking for help. She needed 40,000 dollars to fund a reconstructive plastic surgery in the United States. I helped her use her drawing talents to create a book. We’ve sold thousands of copies and made enough to fund the surgery. Now we just have to wait for travel restrictions to ease.

If you want to support Chikaordery, purchase her book here:

You can get the digital copy for $1.00 when you use promo code “chika”

Thanks for all of your support!


38 thoughts on “The Chikaordery Saga Continues”
  1. I know this video is over 2 years old and the upcoming talking point probably no longer needs to be talked about because of how long ago the pandemic was, but I am going to write my small thought about the virus & pandemic anyway as if I was already following this story as your latest upload from earlier today is what lead me to this video.

    I have found that the vaccine itself was only 5% affective due to the fact there have been stories by a lot of people who got really sick right after taking it, and I know that to be the case because people could not go out to eat for awhile because all of the restaurants both dine-in and take-out were closed, so people were forced to stay home and cook their own meal which means that they will cook the food perfectly so that way they won't get sick from the food, which means that if anyone got a side affect right after getting the vaccine there is a 95% chance that they got it from the vaccine.

    So after hearing those stories of the vaccine before I was forced to get it so I can continue working at the job I had before moving to Texas, I had to get the vaccine myself or I would be fired. My mom too was in the same situation with her job, we both took it and guess what…. We both got sick but my mom had it worse, thankfully she survived the vaccine after affects. But to make matters worse, her job in the medical field was forcing her to get the 2 booster shots, so she quit on the spot. But looking at the affects that you will get if you got the virus are flu like symptoms except for the loss of taste which that is the only new thing that the virus gives you. My entire family has had the virus already and we all survived and no, it was not because of the vaccine, it was because of the flu medicine we had in our cabinet. I strongly believed the vaccine really didn't help the situation, I believe that everyone just had to get through it and everything will be back to normal.

    I have followed the story of Chikaordery this far and I would like to let you know that I am going to be watching the rest of the video just because I have enjoyed seeing you helping someone who had a life threating situation that was preventing her from getting the nutrition she needed from food and water, I was so carried away with the story that I have bought 2 of the 3 books that were available on the day I am writing this comment which are "By D Grace of God", and "it Shall Come To Pass".

    May God forever bless you for the kindness you have given to this woman and God bless everyone who has supported her by buying the book. I do have one question for you, are you going to be adding more to the inventory, or once they are gone they are gone?

    Thank you so much for the continued effort you in providing help for Chikaordery and getting the medial treatment she needed.

  2. Now,…….don’t you regret carrying water for Fauci. Youtubers who give their two cents worth👎

    And plastic surgery, like blotched, is cosmetic,..she needs a surgical gastrointestinal reconstruction specialist.

    💯👍for helping someone in need.

  3. Vaccinations were a scam and apparently you fell for it!! Phony Pfizer admitted that the jab did NOT stop the spread. I hope that Chikaordery was able to get her operation though.

  4. Hey can we get an update video on how the vaccine does not prevent you from getting covid or giving it to others? And how the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" was a complete and utter lie meant to divide Americans?

  5. Quite honestly the v word pisses me off alot y'all cøcks*ck*rs must have some real weak immune systems or something because I've had at least 6-7 separate times where i was around people who were sick with covid and the flu and not once did i even get a sniffle i was tested every single time i went near someone with covid and every time it came back negative and said i didn't have it. I didn't waste my time getting stabbed by some psychotic lab coat wearing grandma who wants to infect me with the disease

  6. Hey I really like what you do but don't get fucking political. Blaming the unvaccinated is seriously horseshit when the vaccinated are constantly getting corona even though they get the gab over and over. And for someone who seems smart is just pushing the narrative from cnn and the democratic party. Also noticed you only showed the people storming the capitol on Jan 6, not when the antifa and blm mobs did it back in May and forced the president into a bunker and tried to burn the church right next door, no no or the two years and 2 billion dollars of damage by leftist nutjobs who stormed several different government buildings and burnt down many buildings including police station and murdering cops. Also since surviving covid is around 99 or 98 percent, weighted mainly by higher elder population, verses some of the extreme severe side effect from the questioned vaccines, the information you just gave is highly questionable and also just following party narrative. Also the Dems who are telling you to get the jab are the ones keeping everything locked down still so blame them not anyone else for this unfortunate woman who cant come. We shouldn't have locked down in the first place and she should have been able to come after like two or three weeks of the initial lockdown, but again you have to thank the fucking dems for that one. TLDR: KEEP FUCKING POLITICS OUT OF A VIDEO ABOUT HELPING AND BEING CHERATIABLE TOWARDS SOMEONE ELSE OTHERWISE IT SEVERELY HURTS YOU FOR SHOWING HOW STUPID YOU ARE!

  7. I was vaccinated last year on 6/9/21 and 6/30/21. I never got the booster shot though. But I am happy to say I never caught covid during the time it was a big deal. I got it before it was a thing probably two years before. It was probably not that big of a strain. I ramble on and on sorry about that.

  8. @1:48 this guy decided to forget about all the riots that did over 2 billion dollars in damages that was supported by democrats and used a clip of the only republican riot that lasted a couple of hours….. classic Democrat

  9. @Pleasant Green Hello Ben, i have just recently come across your channel. The Chikaordery story has been a very heartbreaking and amazing story all in one. I pray that Chikaordery will be anle to come to the states soon and receive these surgeries that she dearly needs. I am convinced that this is not a scam like some a commenting. Do you have any updates on what is going on and/or if Chikaordery and her family need any additional support.

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