The Civil Rights Lawyer on Talk Radio Describing the Fight Against the Governor – Everything Law and Order Blog

The Civil Rights Lawyer on Talk Radio Describing the Fight Against the Governor’s mandate and restriction tyranny. This was with Dave Allen on WCHS out of Charleston, West Virginia, discussing the pending federal lawsuit against the West Virginia Governor, as well as the broad state constitutional challenge we’re currently working on. I’ve enjoyed being on the talk radio format, as compared to the TV news interviews, which get mostly censored and cut-up.

Read more about the fight here:


32 thoughts on “The Civil Rights Lawyer on Talk Radio Describing the Fight Against the Governor”
  1. I am not saying that you should follow any mandate but understand that if you are against a mandate for mask wearing I am an at risk elderly person. I have diabetes, heart problems and COPD. If I catch this imaginary disease I'm dead. Masks may not eliminate everything but at least they can catch a little bit. That little bit may save my life. You do not have the right to not wear a mask in my presence. The needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many. This is the point of the Constitution.


    We got around to the subject of war again and I said that, contrary to his attitude, I did not think that the common people are very thankful for leaders who bring them war and destruction. "The people don’t want war,” “Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy[police] and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.”

    “There is one difference,” I pointed out. “In a democracy the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars.” “Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”

  3. We elected dem gov, I'd like to tell him we elected him mainly to get rid of the insane republican gov, and I'd like to point out thata we elected a Ky dem not the DNC, all he's doing is exactly what the DNC tells him to do.

  4. Question please… Do you do any class action lawsuits against Federal Law that force disabled people be herded to other Physicians that know nothing about said person? But taking the persons files & personal information away from their Family Physician that they have a report with. To make them drive uncomfortably & in pain for hours. Out of there way to an unknown town, to an unknown Doctor, to where they have to then wait for hours to be seen for 10 minutes & dismissed just as quickly. To have control over your right to privacy and to have faith in YOUR Family Doctor to know what is best for you & Not the Government.
    Is there anything that can be done to not get treated like a criminal or a junkie because you are disabled?? Knowing full well of the talk about people who abuse the system. But just begging not to be punished for others wrongdoings. I'm just tired of being pushed around & was wondering if you could help.

  5. I am going through a case right now they took my weapons Baker acted me and exparte order judge did not listen to any of my veteran friends or myself as we are combat vets and said brothers will stick together and 2 psychiatrist and 1clinical therapist said I was no harm to myself or others but used his judgement to say I'm a powder keg and the deputy wrote an affadavitt that was all hear say but he said I'm unbalanced and can be scary so I have to wait a year

    is being used by the Kansas Governor in the lawsuit I have filed against her.
    It was offered in response to my motion for preliminary injunction.
    Part of my reply will likely be as follows:

    The argument in Defendant’s Response (Def. Resp.), at page 8, included:
    “Captain Rule has completed a study ultimately published by the Centers for Disease Control which demonstrates that Kansas counties with a mask mandate fared significantly better than Kansas counties without a mask mandate. See Exhibit A ¶¶ 7, 12.”

    That same Exhibit reveals that Captain Rule is currently serving as the "Senior Science Officer or the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) COVID-19 Response" (Def. Resp. at footnote 3. An executive branch official in the service of Governor KELLY, what a coincidence. So the court is not mislead the Affidavit of Captain Rule, an “Altmetric score” merely provides an indicator of the amount of attention that a study has received, not to its veracity or reliability. The affidavit also provides a conclusion that hospitals “could reach capacity and be unable to care for their patients” without providing any data about hospital capacity, current load (number of patients), etc. Notably, there is no indication provided that competing interests have been disclosed or that a list of peer reviewers exists. This affidavit indicates drawing of conclusions based on correlation (which is an anecdotal methodology), not science based causation. For anecdotal “correlation” evidence, see Southern District of West Virginia case 20-cv-00611, Document 29 at page 4 where it indicates things get worse with mask usage mandated,

    "On July 6, 2020, the Governor issued Executive Order 50-20, which required “[a]ll individuals age 9 and over to wear an adequate face covering when in confined, indoor spaces, other than when in one’s residence or when actively engaged in the consumption of food and/or beverage.” Ex. P. Since then, the spread of COVID-19 has only worsened."

    See also in plaintiff’s response to Defendants’ motion to dismiss:

    “Some have cited to unintended consequences such as people frequently touching and fiddling with their masks and then touching other things opening up spread by other people then touching those same things. This is no more than common sense observation and incidents of that can even be seen in a press conference of Chuck Schumer where he removes his mask an almost immediately places his fingers to his nostrils – this being just prior to going to the Senate floor for a vote (See first 35 seconds of video at ).
    And another Senator (Sen. Duckworth) similarly touching the mask to multiple areas of her body and clothing (See at 15:04 mark of same video).”

    Quite a number of studies have been done on mask wearing and they often emphasize that their findings show the efficacy of the masks is affected by how they are made, cleaned and used. Therein is the main problem with a widespread mask mandate for the population. What the conflicting data should tell us it that more information is needed before you can accurately, and with any significant reliability, determine if mask mandates help or if they actually cause more harm. In that regard, on October 23, 2020, a letter from Angela L. Rasmussen Ph.D. (Columbia Mailman School of Public Health, New York, NY), Kevin Escandón, M.D. (M.Sc., Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia), and Saskia V. Popescu, Ph.D. (George Mason University, Arlington, VA) was published on the website of The New England Journal of Medicine ( November 19, 2020 N Engl J Med 2020; 383:2092-2094 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc2030886 )

    That letter contained in part:
    “There is insufficient evidence to support the claim that masks reduce the infectious dose of SARS-CoV-2 and the severity of Covid-19, much less that their use can induce protective immunity. Substantial knowledge gaps must be addressed before claims are made about the efficacy of face masks in reducing morbidity or eliciting immune responses.

    Masks are used primarily to reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission rather than reduce the dose of infectious particles or mitigate the severity of Covid-19. The suggestion that masks offer an alternative to vaccination without evidence that the benefits outweigh the great risks implicitly encourages reckless behavior. With the lack of a vaccine, nonpharmaceutical interventions continue to be the best preventive tools.2,3 Transparent, contextualized messaging and embracing uncertainty are essential while science moves forward. Currently, there are too many research gaps to conclude that masks offer benefits beyond reducing transmission risk. We should not advocate for these benefits without fully comprehending the risks.”

    It is clear that most all of the States which implemented mask mandates did so without
    sufficient knowledge about whether or not such restriction “will in fact alleviate the harms
    in a direct and material way”. Even presuming 100% confidence in the efficacy of mask wearing
    and that everyone would use them properly — Sweden's top coronavirus expert is refusing to
    force people to wear face masks in public, arguing that donning them is 'very dangerous'
    because it gives the impression it is safe to be in crowded rooms or on public transport.
    Even if such measures had absolutely no impact on individual fundamental rights, these
    are not the type of policy decisions that should be made on the fly without more knowledge.

  7. Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters. Daniel Webster

  8. "Declaring a virus pandemic based on PCR tests can end in disaster", was described by Gina Kolata in her 2007 New York Times article, "Faith In A Quick Test Leads To Epidemic That Wasn't". June 27, 2020 — Covid 19 "PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless" and this government report, on page 39, reinforces these facts; –you may need to get your physician to interpret it for you.

  9. @CRL I'm sorry I missed your Livestream. I would love to hear your opinions on the domestic violence organization funded by Every Town for Gun Safety (Loonbird/Bloomberg) who has filed suit to be able to ban guns in cars in parking lots. How that plays into a constitutional carry state and the 2nd Amendment. And if you think WV is Loonbirds next target especially considering the economy of WV a Rino of a governor and the borders shared with VA and MD both heavy anti Constitutional states. Here's a link to the story if you have the time. Thank you for the free education, it's truly appreciated..

  10. Your one of the reasons this pandemic has grown as well as those that start fight be cause some store asked them to have a mask on the mask is NOT POLITICAL AND EITHER IS THE VIRUS . When this is all said and done we will look back and count the Bodies that dropped because of people like U that refused to wear a damn mask but I bet you will not accept the reality of this crisis we are living in today. Remember the life U save may be your own and Grandparents but you will be right I'm hoping you are Not Dead right.

  11. An article published November 22, 2020 by Dr. Briand for John Hopkins showed a chart using cdc data for deaths of elderly in the US in the years 2014 to 2019 and compared them to 2020 number of deaths among the elderly. The death numbers were similar to the elderly deaths in 2020 from covid. She said the deaths from heart disease and other diseases are now coded as covid 19 deaths. Of course, John Hopkins removed the article from their website, but Dr. Briand stands by her findings. Portugal courts ruled that pcr tests used to diagnose covid-19 unreliable. They said to quarantine a person based on these tests was inhumane. A 90 year old woman in Canada did not want to live in isolation again from another lockdown, so she asked to be euthanized. She was. It's so horrible. What is being done to our fellow human beings in the name of saving us. It's a disgraceful sham. What will these rulers say to God when they face Him for what they have done and continue to do.

  12. God bless you for your tireless efforts in standing up against the tyrannical goliaths, who are perverting the laws to further subjugate the people into a state of powerlessness in their own land. Thank you!!!

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