The Constitutional Rights of Parents – with Divorce Attorney Andy Fox – FIS No. 60 – Everything Law and Order Blog

Is there a constitutional right to be a parent? Join my live discussion with Tennessee Divorce Attorney Andy Fox about some of the child custody shenanigans that go on, as well as the constitutional rights to be a parent, and other things. #ChildCustody #FamilyCourt #DivorceAttorney

Join us live at 6:30 pm ET on Freedom is Scary – Episode No. 60.


23 thoughts on “The Constitutional Rights of Parents – with Divorce Attorney Andy Fox – FIS No. 60”
  1. I’m pretty disappointed. I have high regard for you as a lawyer and the work you do. Your guest really evaded actual law. And I feel like you don’t even want to touch this subject. Do you really not see the constitutional violations and due process violations that go on in family court. I would expect you to have a class action lawsuit ready.

  2. Hot Damn!! For years now I've said to myself he has got to get family court questions all the time I mean Really! But to find this thank you you too after watching you for 3 years seeing if this is 3 years old browsing through your station And I'm just now watching this!
    How have I missed this? How has the family court Abolition Community Not blown this to Smithereens?!
    I have so many comments & kudos & perspective pondering firing on all cylinders..✨🙏🏽✨ I may email you this week..🤔 "Gloria Gaynor"

    I quite enjoyed the UFC, 80s 90s throwback talk because I remember those things; and my grandfather was a boxer & trainer so I quite enjoy some UFC!!! And I'm from Jacksonville (not born but i claim it home), now living in Washington State (born-terrifyimg move- don't do it-steer clear-far far away) resulting in involuntary servitude & wrongful imprisonment! I mean my God the evil in our world today man ..smh
    Given the number of questions you get nationally, I'm really surprised that there is only so many views …
    I wanna help change that because the suffering is just incomprehensible and so pervasive.
    I mean the mention of RICO & Class Actions Come up daily!!!

  3. They cannot interfer!!!

    CHiLD PROTECTION SERVICES AGENCY, Undercover private adoptions agency. Is not allowed and it's illegal for them to do private adoptions on biological children of biological parents!!. It's all unreasonable cause they are making biological parents of biological children, look like, employees of the, CHiLD PROTECTION SERVICES AGENCY!!. Like, Government agencies, Government entities, Government accredited, Registered, Certified, licensed, Foster parent!!. A foster parent is a substitute parent!!. The children are being made to look like someone else's child in care of the state!!.

  4. The Constitution of the, UNITED STATES of AMERICA. Says, that child support, is Slavery and Involuntary servitude.

    Involuntary servitude: A human, working for someone else's benefit and to no benefit of the person working.

    Slavery: A human, living their life according to someone else's, wishes, command, demand!!.

    Articale, Section, Clause's, of the, UNITED STATES of AMERICA Constitution.

    Articale 1, Section 10, Clause 1

    Government officials, shall NOT, pass any, laws impairing the obligation of contracts.

    Government officials, shall NOT, pass any, BILL of ATTAINDER.

    Bill passed into law by the legislature, declaring a person or a group of people guilty of a crime without a trial. It's purpose is to inflict punishment. To dictate where someone can live and who they can live with and weither or NOT you can pass it on to heirs: Your children or relatives.

    My words

    You're children are your, biological property

    The courts "inflict punishment" when they decide child custody

    The courts dictate where you can live and who you can live and dictates what kind of property you can own: Your biological children are your property!!.

  5. Lets be entirely honest, title IV D has never been enacted into positive law, and Hillary Clinton slipped in a evil stipulation into that 1996 ASFA adoption and safe families act, that each new year, each State has to take more children then they did the year before, and they have to adopt out more to non family members of the public. And if those numbers do not exceed those of the prior year, the State gets Zero federal funding for any of the children they kidnapped from their families. And its all kidnapping under the color of law. The whole child predator services business is not only unconstitutional, its criminal.
    There is no due process in private membership associations doing business, in a pretend court.

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