The Murdaugh murders: Father of prominent family to serve life for killing wife and son – Everything Law and Order Blog

This Week on True Crime Daily The Podcast: Alex Murdaugh convicted of murdering his wife and son and sentenced to two life terms. While the former legal dynasty will spend the rest of his life behind bars, questions remain about other mysterious deaths and over 99 charges still facing the disgraced lawyer.

Phillip Hamilton joins host Ana Garcia.

Ana Garcia

Phillip Hamilton
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45 thoughts on “The Murdaugh murders: Father of prominent family to serve life for killing wife and son”
  1. You want the real truth I don't think Alex actually killed his son and wife himself. I think they should of looked at his son buster he don't look to sad and who actually has everything and ended up with it all I still say the son did it and daddy covered it up to save him lie after lie . I think they should re investigate it . But it's easy just to get the deal over with that's cops and courts and lawyers what's easier just to hook it on someone to look good. But I'm saying his son was in on it he's still walking he's not dead and allot to gain.

  2. Alex Murdaugh DID have spatter on the collar of his t-shirt (it was Maggie’s brain matter) however, they didn’t use the evidence in court because an additional test was done by SLED, that they shouldn’t have done and they thought it would be too confusing to the jury so it wasn’t used. I think they should have used it, it was compelling.

  3. He did say that when he when home after ride in around with his son he had a shower and when he come back down he had dinner with them. Because the picture shows the blue out fits or top. That’s why he did not wanted to back down when the wife ask him to go check on the dogs. But change his mind and when later.

  4. I got frustrated with the 911 people on several calls. I don’t blame the callers for being upset with them. It’s like they don’t listen. When Maggie calls and says their housekeeper fell the operator says do you know her? Several other things they told her were ignored and then asked back again. When Alex calls he told them what shape they were in. Said his son’s brain was laying beside his body. The operator asks s he breathing? If you listen carefully it can be maddening to be in such a mess, needing help and have some of the questions asked that were asked.

  5. I disagree with you I have followed this case the police did not know about the blue shirt and khakis until they found the kennel video I thought so that is why there is a delay on that

    Also the police said when they interviewed Alec in the police car they had red flags 🚩 all over the place even when they drove up on the scene they were concerned it was Alec who was a part of it

  6. I thought the gun in the trial was evidence. They found shells from that gun up by the porch of the house.
    I also thought they knew right away from his actions that it was him, they just didn't let the info out.

  7. why he dont kill them , go at his parents house think abouth it and then come home a find them why he call at the moment after he kill them . he can say that he was with his parents and be clean … this man is stupid and to kill your family is sick … after all the cases with this family they are just that kind of people when everything is possible .. sad but …

  8. Knowing the market of the pills Alex was addicted to get consumed 60 pills a day each pills is going for $50 so 50×60 is about $3,000 a day or $90,000!a weeks. Oxy’s are the most expensive pills in the illegal street market!

  9. This is the most heinous and complex crime I have ever come across. The Murdoch family were such a revered family of lawyers for 3 generations in a small town that even law enforcement bowed to Alex Murdoch's every wish. What upset me most was the death of Mallory Beach. He stormed the hospital with own his father and coerced the young witnesses into changing their stories to say they did not know who was driving the boat when they themselves were being attended to for own their injuries. This boat incident was the start of the fall of Alex Murdoch. He had been embezzling millions of dollars from clients settlement claims for years. He was seriously addicted to pain killers. His wife was asking too many questions about his financial affairs. Last but not least, the death of Gloria Satterfield who mysteriously died in a fall on their property and no compensation was ever paid to her family even though he represented them.
    I believe he killed his wife because of impending divorce costs and retrieve back the Moselle estate. He killed his son to close the boat accident case forever! Alex Murdoch is a narcissistic piece of scum!!!!!!

  10. They did have the gun that killed Maggie it was the gun that Alex said he brought out from the house, Maggie's blood was on it and yes they thought right away it was Alex that committed the murders.

  11. Out of sight out of mind. The Murdaughs are a loving bunch. It’s like Paul and Maggie are on vacation not dead. They didn’t even care about them or any of their belongings. Buster couldn’t remember his father’s birthday…

  12. The one video that Paul took on his phone earlier the night of the murders of his Dad doing something with the fruit tree, you can hear Paul laughing at his Dad. Look at his Dad’s face.
    He wasn’t laughing. He looked like he was a little upset that he was laughing so hard at him. That was just not what you would expect. I would think he would be laughing also. Pure evil.

  13. I believe he still had money left. He told Buster to ask his uncle for 5.000 USD and he would pay it back. Also Maggie had still money in the houses. I believe he wanted that and that is why he killed Maggie. He also had money to pay for his lawyers.

  14. Well I cannot understand how a person could possibly get their lives in such a mess as Alex has done,when they had everything one could wish for. In the end they lost everything, not one of them had respect for anything or each other,or their friends. I can remember his wife's sister saying!her car was a mess inside full of bills and receipts everywhere,yet she had someone to lay out her clothes to get dressed,and had a housekeeper,no wonder he turned to drugs and the kids were running riot, bodies laying everywhere, even on the street,and the staircase,the wife rang the cops and spoke like it was nothing,just a little slip up nothing to get upset about. The whole family was a riot. Money doesn't buy class so it seems.
    Now to spend your life in prison,seems to be totally stupid,as a Prosecutor you would think he would know better,it would catch up with him in the end why not kill his useless self the coward not other people,when he caused the problems to start with. Mind you the whole family was out of control, destroying others as they went along.lets hope the son left behind can try and live in peace and make a change.

  15. In life, it may take you most of your life to earn credibility amongst your Family, Friends and colleagues. However, it only takes a few minutes to destroy that credibility! And, the likelihood is that you will never get it back again. People will never trust you. Oh what a tangled web we weave..

  16. I disagree with telling 911 to hurry up being entitled. I think it was more proof that they did care. It is normal to get pissed if someone you care for is injured and you are asked questions instead of actions being taken. I think he would have snapped less if they told him to do actions, like check the pulse etc.
    This family was raised to not show emotion. They were held to 'higher standards' which is a very strong repression of feelings. I am not even sure they learned how to express them properly.
    I would tell them to hurry up already instead of asking me stupid questions if anyone I cared for, or basically any human being were hurt in front of me. In a situation like that, every question that is not taking actions is "stupid" from the caller's perspective.

  17. The court should make him sell his house to repay all those people that he stole from.
    Buster doesn’t need a house that big so yes they should sell it.Anyway if buster goes to prison he definitely won’t need the house.

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