Texas man Rudolph “Rudy” Farias was found badly injured outside of a Houston church on June 29 — more than eight years after being reported missing by his mother. Farias was 17 years old when his mother said he disappeared after taking the family dogs on a walk. Investigators revealed Farias went missing for only one day before returning to the home of his mother, who police said continued to deceive authorities in her son’s disappearance. The Law&Crime Network’s Sierra Gillespie breaks down the mysterious case of Rudy Farias.
Sierra Gillespie: https://twitter.com/sierragillespie
#RudyFarias #Texas #LawandCrime
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Has anything else happened with this case since 2023?
She needs to be arrested and he needs to be in witness protection
So what they are admitting is that he was a missing kid and they did no investigation whats so ever
Gose to show you alot of cops lack intelligence, they had a description and photos of him ….like really
Amazing corruption. Yet. We the people do nothing.
You guys need to quit blaming the cops, they were literally lying to them constantly! Blame the real people at fault Rudy and his Mother have taken away resources from actual missing children!!
Chase any leads they got
People saying they see the boy by the house
Police disputes it without checking
WOW, he was home the whole time
If Rudy were a girl who was told by her father to play “wife”, the cops would have taken it more seriously. This poor kid.
They sent him home with her, now she’s very likely planning on killing him but not before molesting him one last time
Thanks a ton Houston…
police forgot to check his home how about his mom killed him and stuff him in a fridge this cops are clowns
These cops are IDIOTS and are LAZY
“I’m trained to listen to probable cause.” Yeah? HPD is trained to find missing children. I trust nothing they say or conclude, especially after shifting blame to the victim. I sure hope there was no SA.
He was a child! How dare they blame him? His mother brainwashed him probably his entire life. This is all on the mother. Disappointing work all around by the HPD.
I have so many questions 😳. It appears, initially, HPD did very little to find RF as he was a minor (mom gave false birthday).
Did they actively search, contact CPS, and/or issue an Amber Alert? The police still thought he was 17-years old, so he HAD to go to hospital. HPD couldnt check him and release him. He was a minor.
This is crazy and they don't put mother in jail or prison she's the one that was in the house with Rudy fishy
its crazy😳
How about getting this poor guy some help Houston.
This police department victim blamed and then solicited funds for their department. What a shame way to take care of your citizens
The pressure needs to be put onto the authorities! That lady needs to be arrested! I am not going to call her Rudy's Mother, she needs to be called by the Monster that she is!! 🙏🙏😥😥🙏🙏
This makes it harder for real missing
He's a victim of his mother's scam and con games.
Rudy is obviously mentally ill as is his mother Janie.
He was a victim and those cops failed Rudy who was drugged by his own mother. Typical blame the victim so your shame doesn't come to surface.
i believe that both rudy and janie were scared to loose each other although janie is wrong for manipulating her 17 y/o son knowing that he was not mentally stable. he lived in her control to avoid another painful loss and he did her job and hid himself from
their family to keep her pleased. QX’s claims of s/a haven’t been confirmed by rudy but if that it to be true this case i can’t image what other informed is to come. hope this family heals !
The mother needs to be charged and she should pay for all of the time the police department wasted.
If she is mental she could had out smart law enforcement
This child/man is and was a victim..go get the mom…ppl who know her said the same thing…he is afraid of her
Rudy is full of it and the world will believe anything.
There is something seriously wrong with this case, the mother, the deceased, expolice officer father, the HPD. None of it makes any sense. They seem to be making lots of excuses for his abuser aka his mother. From what I understand the mother continued the claim of her son being missing & collected money, is that not a crime?
A sad case. Somewhere the truth lies. At 25, this young man has missed out so much in his life.😢
I find it interesting that you didn't even touch on the fact that another man, a community activist, spoke with him upon his request, apparently, and the story differs greatly when that man is interviewed.
The mother needs to be fully investigated.
What on Earth was hos home life like?? Why did she lie? Why make hom go along wsuch a serious, disturbing lie??
Going by that press conference, it looks like to me the police are way to eager to shut the enquiries down. What are they hiding? How does the young man benefit from this simply disappearing??
Not buying all this.
How and why did they not search that home!!!! Just ridiculous he was there the entire time. Such a horrific life that he had to endure ❤ They are just covering their A$@@! Epic fail for this department.
Luke 8:17: For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light.
We want Justice period
I’m absolutely astounded as to how the mother is not locked up talking about he’s home with his mom by choice not only shouldn’t he be there but neither should she because she should be in jail isn’t it clearly a crime not only what she did with her son whom was a minor at that time but also for lying to the police for 8yrs claiming him to be missing.
These police were fooled by a person with disablities for 8 years, everytime they made contact, he fooled them. That's wild when you think about it.
They don't wanna call him a victim to avoid being seen in the public eye as incompetent. It's not working very well for them.
HE did nothing. He was her VICTIM. He was a minor . And he’s been raised by an animal. What do you expect? Him to know better? And family and friends, neighbors and cops never did anything??
This so called mother is a disgusting sow.
😂 what was the purpose to this.
Free Rudy!!!
So I was thinkin right. ClownX is hittin that pipe with his looped out cowgirl Nd those Panther peeps..
the mother needs to be arrested and fined for falsely reporting her son missing then getting money from insurance companies and gofundme
He's not with his mother. He's with his aunts. His mom is trying to lure him to her car, with one of his friends. It's not working. There are videos out there. I am SHOCKED how this case is being handled.
There's something wrong here which is why I 100% believe Quanell. Rudy was found battered and traumatized at the footsteps of the church. There is clear evidence that he was occasionally locked in the mom's home. Friends, family members and even neighbors have told police repeatedly that the boy is not missing. The police overlooked the fake identities given when they did encounter Rudy and his mother. Even though he is an adult, he clearly cannot think for himself. If he was with his mother this whole time, they are not even arresting her for fraud. They refuse to put any type of charge on her which indicates to me that this corruption (not incompetence) runs deep. Something dark has happened here and they are in on it.