The saga of Russ Faria and Pam Hupp

The saga of Russ Faria and Pam Hupp

Betsy Faria was already dying from breast cancer that spread to her liver before she was even stabbed. Then Betsy’s husband Russ Faria got his sentence: life in prison.

But this may not be the open and shut case that it seemed.



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24 thoughts on “The saga of Russ Faria and Pam Hupp

  1. Rather crazy how people always investigate the immediate spouse.

    Don’t get me wrong, sometimes it makes sense, usually never when concerning situations like this.

  2. More proof that the majority of detectives and prosecutes care FAR FAR more about easy stat padding than Justice. There needs to be more serious repercussions against those "authority" figures who get caught

  3. Poor Rus, Pam is a very evil ogre. Locking her up has saved who knows how many other people from dying at her hands. Pity it took so long to catch her. If you can kill your mother and your best friend for money then you’re capable of anything.

  4. The problem is lying cops & their too comfy relationship with the prosecutors offices. Also no one stops to think about the fact that the evidentiary chain of command is still on the damn honor system. Why no one holds cops accountable for false convictions is beyond me.

  5. I am so happy that they found the TRUE killer! The killer who killed ANOTHER INNOCENT PERSON to try to frame him, which is what she did with this poor guy. That woman was raised by an alcoholic mother who abused her when she was young, and she abused her children in turn verbally, and God knows what else. She made her daughter put her wet underwear on her head because she had an accident when she was so young, at about 6 years old. This woman was mentally unstable. Period. Foaming at the mouth every change she got, when everything she said was a lie. Those poor girls, what they went through. I hope they are ok today. 🙏

  6. Funny how the friends assume that Russ was guilty until the prosecutor said they were all involved in plotting the murder of Russ wife the one friend said he thought Russ did it before he came damn glad he is out Pam greed is what got her caught had she just let Russ release be instead of killing yet another person to set Russ up yet again she'd might still be free

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